Ynotjenn · F
I’m surrounded by racism all day everyday. It’s loud and it’s proud. And when I let people know not to talk that way around me…they do it more. Hence the proud part.
At some point over the past handful of years, it become ok to hate. Even cool depending on your peers. Some even find it amusing.
Every. Single. Day.
So I get a little confused when people say it doesn’t exist or that it’s the media.
I see it.
It comes into my business.
Sometimes sits at my desk.
It sits beside me at restaurants.
It’s now “unfollowed” on my Facebook.
It came to my house for Thanksgiving…
- tossing cigarette butts in my black neighbors front yard 🙄
It’s repulsive. It makes me cringe. The hate gets all over me and wears me down.
People are just awful.
At some point over the past handful of years, it become ok to hate. Even cool depending on your peers. Some even find it amusing.
Every. Single. Day.
So I get a little confused when people say it doesn’t exist or that it’s the media.
I see it.
It comes into my business.
Sometimes sits at my desk.
It sits beside me at restaurants.
It’s now “unfollowed” on my Facebook.
It came to my house for Thanksgiving…
- tossing cigarette butts in my black neighbors front yard 🙄
It’s repulsive. It makes me cringe. The hate gets all over me and wears me down.
People are just awful.
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DrSunnyTheSkeptic · 26-30, M
The way I understand races, all there is to it is the fact that different populations of people developed different morphological traits depending on their environment and that's it.
@DrSunnyTheSkeptic exactly. All of that because of the sun and weather
Oberon1 · 61-69, M
@Babylon .......and culture. I think many Eurocentric types see the glaring differences between cultures and relate race to culture. Take Liberia for example. A well read person of European ancestry who has had a few 'run ins' with young African Americans might immediately think of the differences between Monrovia and Amsterdam, or Mogadishu and Oslo, or the Ugandan Waragi with the American Space program. They forget Charles Drew, or George Washington Carver, or Maya Angelou, and they only remember some unfortunate event in some random city, and they correlate that......you know...... like people do. African Americans do the same thing with European Americans, they see some hate filled idiots, and the US becomes 1964 Mississippi. It would be great if we could all just be Americans, since we are the "melting pot" after all. That's where I get nuts! This whole idea that the USA is such a hateful racist place is just pure divisive bullcrap. We are not. The USA is the cure, not the disease. We should be proud of that.
HotMessExpress102 · 41-45, F
So... I was in an airport a few weeks ago and I heard racism being screamed and spouted into a phone for the whole place to hear. Racism from someone who is in “group” of people who claim to not be racist.
The vile things this human was saying was horrible... I won’t ever forget it.
There will always be one bad apple on a tree, but just because there is... doesn’t mean you have to cut the whole tree down 😞
The vile things this human was saying was horrible... I won’t ever forget it.
There will always be one bad apple on a tree, but just because there is... doesn’t mean you have to cut the whole tree down 😞
Oberon1 · 61-69, M
@HotMessExpress102 For a veteran, the whole racism angle falls apart. Washington's blood might save my life. o'Malley's blood might save my life. Pigmentation is not an issue, and it is not ingrained in USA society. All this "racist" crap is being brought to us by the same people who brought us the KKK and Jim Crow and a few other very disgusting things. They want us to hate each other. A lot of my black brothers and sisters are beginning to see that the democrats have not changed at all, but there are some who still go for it like a bass to a worm.
I prefer disliking all of humans as a whole.
goliathtree · 56-60, M
@BettyBeez I tried that and failed....of course I consider dogs to be humans and I just cannot dislike them.
Oberon1 · 61-69, M
@goliathtree Dogs are some of the coolest people I know!
LadyJ · F
This World is just crazy...i can't believe race is still an issue in 2021..we are all here for a short time and people are still worrying about the colour of someone elses skin
BizSuitStacy · M
Racism is the globalist's tool to sew division. Oppressers vs Oppressed. Haves vs Have Nots. These are among the oldest games played as people are so easily manipulated. It also creates distractions necessary to turn public attention away from other issues. Hardly anyone is talking about this below.
[image/video deleted]
@BizSuitStacy Now we're getting somewhere. Thank you. ✌️
Oberon1 · 61-69, M
@BizSuitStacy Very well done! Thank you.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
It’s a heart-breaking state of being on this planet. The pessimist in me only sees it getting worse, yet the optimist finds me fighting it through my own actions and words.
I don't think racists want everyone to see racism everywhere. They don't like being called out and punished for it
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
Yes and the media propaganda is trying to turn black and white Americans against each other👀
I can see it changing. Penny has to drop at some point - even with the aryans [or some of]. How are they gonna be free to hate when they're being corralled like cattle no different than anyone else? Then maybe as a bonus maybe they'll grow a bit - or some will.
There are good people even among the aryans who are just fucked up mentally and been taken advantage of by masterful manipulators [and some not so masterful, just opportunistic]. So long as such parties haven't gone too far off the deep end, there is still time for them to make it right. They are needed also. They can stand for something better.
There are good people even among the aryans who are just fucked up mentally and been taken advantage of by masterful manipulators [and some not so masterful, just opportunistic]. So long as such parties haven't gone too far off the deep end, there is still time for them to make it right. They are needed also. They can stand for something better.
Oberon1 · 61-69, M
@SW-User Aryans are Iranians or Persians. Yes. They are the most pure of all the races. I've noticed with dogs, though, that the most pure are also the most stupid. Let's mix it up so we won't be stupid! Mix it up people! Mix it up!
Zonuss · 46-50, M
You would be more believable if you weren't so politically dogmatic.🙂
nedkelly · 61-69, M
I am sick of the whole "racism" bullshit
Well today I will be call racist for wearing a black AC/DC shirt when I am white when i could easily wear a white AC/DC shirt
Well today I will be call racist for wearing a black AC/DC shirt when I am white when i could easily wear a white AC/DC shirt
@nedkelly I'm sick of it too.
I am so sick to death of woke bullshit and race bullshit.
@SW-User Right?! It's like there is no middle, sensible ground anymore!
@SW-User Its gotten to the point where if a minority calls someone or something racist, or a member of the LGBT community calls someone or something homo/transphobic, or a woman calls a man a misogynist, I respond with "I really couldn't care less." I'm done with all of it.
It is really all a distraction from class.
MethDozer · M
Yeah, racism doesn't exist. Except in minorities.
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