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When you’re in love with someone, they become a part of you.

You constantly think about them and adopt their habits and quirks and a million other things. You can never truly let go of someone, and that’s what makes it so hard. #just saying #3years and counting
JohannaJoyLinn · 26-30, F
And you, unknowingly remembers everything with just a single song or food or place .......... The bittersweet feeling and nostalgia can be overwhelming.
But we all need to move forward, that's life.
Tinkerxbell · 41-45, F
@JohannaJoyLinn Totally. Such is life. :)
solitaire · 41-45, F
Yeah I’ve recently cut off someone I like but it’s long distance and when I asked him how long is it going to take he says he doesn’t know. He is very set in his ways and so am I. Even though I know I’m going to regret it for years to come it’s better to nip it in the bud now than later.
Tinkerxbell · 41-45, F
@solitaire I hear you. *hugs*
Da... <---


She's worried about me cause of the wildfires.

just got her messages.

and yeah it's sad how nobody can really be replaced.
All you can to move along..

PrivatelyAnonymous · 46-50, M
Would you rather that you never experienced being in love with them?
Tinkerxbell · 41-45, F
@PrivatelyAnonymous If only I could turn back the hands of time. But, life goes on regardless.
PrivatelyAnonymous · 46-50, M
@Tinkerxbell Things aren't all lost ... there's always hope 🙂

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