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Guyapart22 · 36-40, M
The people in it usually if I had to guess it is mostly communication
@Guyapart22 what about communication?

summersong · F
People and their egos.
Assumptions, unrealistic expectations, being raised on Disney princess cartoons, lack of communication, inability to apologize or be empathic, any relationship based solely on great sex and excess drinking/drugs.
Unreasonable expectations...


Continueous lying...

Them being unreachable for any of the partners..
Guyapart22 · 36-40, M
@SW-User I don't have any learned long ago that u will always be disapointed
@Guyapart22 is it even possible to have no expectations at all and still have a level of relationship?
TheGoodGuy · M
Safety. Or rather the lack of it. Both sides should feel safe from receiving any kind of harm from the other, whether that's from lying, cheating, not having each other's backs, running away from each other... So many things. They have to be 100% safe with each other, and know that they are as well. They should know that no matter what happens one won't harm the other, and they'll always be there for each other no matter what. So yeah, safety.
@TheGoodGuy The way I see it is that safety happens as a by-product of all other small things coming together. Indeed safety is important, but also how we get to it is equally important if not more so.
Taking things for granted.
@Vivaci So true. I don't even know why people do this.
@SW-User No idea...but the sense of entitlement that an entire generation of people are showing is scary.
@Vivaci Yes. To be honest, sometimes I catch myself with that too...taking something for granted because I get a bit self absorbed at times. I try to correct it though.
MURD3RM0NK3Y · 26-30, M
Selfishness, control, manipulation, ego
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
Its relational traumas, fear of pain, fear of vulnerability, lack of differentiation between emotions and behaviour/self awareness of behaviours, circumstance, so many factors can play into something as complicated as that.
@Ryannnnnn that combination almost makes it impossible.
okaybut · 56-60, M
Two minds needing to synchronize and communicate as one. There has to be the base of overlap in understanding and also enough difference to avoid stagnation.
@okaybut Is that possible in reality?
okaybut · 56-60, M
@SW-User No...but I think you can find bearable. 😉
@okaybut Yeah...or leaning along that general direction. :)
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Guyapart22 · 36-40, M
@Eyeamhere those are the best
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Stopmakingsense · 56-60, F
That's by design. Capitalism benefits from atomization of society and capitalism is threatened by resolution of conflicts.
People can be selfish and forget we have to give as well as receive
@SW-User so true.
Camelia · F
I’m sure it’s been said, but trust.
@Camelia I don't remember reading that one on this post before but that's a good one.
Camelia · F
Thank you! @SW-User
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@danser Oh? Do elaborate.
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@danser Oh I don't get worked up when people go through my old posts. Quite a nice reminder for myself too, looking at them again.
gatorgirl20 · 22-25, F
tensile strength
@gatorgirl20 what is that?
gatorgirl20 · 22-25, F
@SW-User what?
Thevy29 · 41-45, M

@Thevy29 What are the chances he is thinking of dracula with his garlic bread situation?👀
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
@SW-User 50/50

The other thing he'd be thinking is: "How do dragons blow out birthday candles?"
ChampagneOnIce · 51-55, F
Insecurities and expectations
Personally, lack of effort.
Ego and selfishness
Fragile egos
(Glass) ships.
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@SW-User yes indeed.

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