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Really depends on how I know the person. I'm happy to hash it out with someone face to face in a disagreement without hopefully escalating things on my own part. Online, however, especially lately with stuff like COVID disinformation, I have no patience for that stuff. Someone gets the wrong idea there, and it actually will have consequences.

lmao same most people are so rabid about their stances as they base their entire personality around one dimensional identities like their ethnicity and gender like calm down dude we’re all human
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
no; these days it's easy to distinguish between people with common sense who can think for themselves and kool-aid drinking morons who only repeat what they saw on TV/fake news; and I have no problem whatsoever disagreeing with the latter...
I don’t. I have no problem disagreeing with friends or family and frequently do. Some are insecure and take it as an attack to be disagreed with. Always seemed like insecurity to me.
@SW-User I wonder why 🤔
NickiHijab · F
Nah, I'm actually very patient and understanding when it comes to disagreements. Maybe a little too patient
@NickiHijab I agree. I'm hella patient for no reason ._.
NickiHijab · F
@TheBlackPowerRanger Yeah, I've seen that. I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing. It's good to hear people out but boundaries also matter. Not everyone takes patience for what it is.
@NickiHijab I think I just don't care what people think or say ._.
If I actually did, I dunno what I'd do
More than anything I think it stems from a breakdown in communication, stylistically.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
I get those all the time here. it's nothing new
Classified · M
When do they learn a bruddah is always right 😌

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