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Is there no more subltelty?

Maybe I am just a "veteran of the long war" when it comes to social media things. But it just seems everyone is so oddly transparent and not in a good way (like being upfront/honest). Half the fun is the mystery and a little bit of the chase. :( If I can already predict a near exact response its just so boring.
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Magenta · F
Seems it's a lost art and has been replaced with tmi and blatancy.
Jessichaos · 26-30, F
@Magenta "I'm very direct." Followed by a full barrage of weird, unfiltered sex likes that would never be said aloud.
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
Jessichaos · 26-30, F
@FloorGenAdm Explain
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
@Jessichaos Pushers of extreme efficiency have gotten inside their heads. 🧠
CheshireCatalyst · 41-45, M
I find that if I don't send at least eight hundred "Hey how're you?" messages to strangers per week I can't maintain an erection.
Jessichaos · 26-30, F
@CheshireCatalyst This is the way
LondonCowboy · 51-55, M
I like the art of good honest conversation 🌹
Cruiser91 · 51-55, M
Hope I am doing a good job then

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