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Afroartis · 26-30, M
Cope with wat?
HermannFegelein · 26-30, M
@Afroartis going to jail. I got into a DUI accident. I know drinking and driving is bad. I’m not trying to make an excuse here by saying this but I will explain my reasoning. I was afraid to be around my dad so I decided to get drunk before I got home but unfortunately I never made it back home this time. I crashed before I got home. I never wanted to hurt anyone but I did anyways
Afroartis · 26-30, M
@HermannFegelein no lie I can't shame you at all. We all have our weak points or umm the point where our emotions take over( most don't think so but it can and will happen). So don't beat yourself up yo. I know it's traumatizing but at least your not heartless about it. Even a good soul some times makes a bad mistake in life

lost213 · 46-50, M
Man up and face the music.. be responsible for your actions. That’s what you do. It was your decision and nobody else’s.
HermannFegelein · 26-30, M
I just wanted to feel numb
HermannFegelein · 26-30, M
@riseofthemachine but I’m weak
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
@HermannFegelein that's whole part of it . The nightmares seems real when you wake up from them .
I wake up nearly every hour . I'm like this for years and my worst enemy is myself and its night time I realise it . Self loathing Self hatred self condemnation all of those feeling comes up but you have to go through the storm before theres a calm. Let life flow and try not to control it cause that's where the fear comes in
HermannFegelein · 26-30, M
@riseofthemachine but I’m afraid
👉☕ Here's some coffee
HermannFegelein · 26-30, M
I wanted to stop drinking but I couldn’t. Gabapentine made things worse.
@HermannFegelein it is okay I have mixed many medications with alcohol. If you can form coherent sentences you will be okay just slow down a little so we can talk,okay?
HermannFegelein · 26-30, M
@PepsiColaP I’m sorry. People have been telling me that lately but I’m so afraid that I gotta drink myself into a fool just to function ever day.
@HermannFegelein just keep talking to me okay and we will get you there
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
What are you scared of . Your doing good saying your scared but finish it off and I might be at some use
What are you scared of

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