helensusanswift · 31-35, F
Yes! Why could they not have been rich, and left me a huge pile of money?
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maxeen · 70-79, F
I always move forward. ...
nothing can change the past
nothing can change the past

Only at the pre-cambrian ones...
quitwhendone · M
No. Why would I be?

No I'm grateful to them.
DisturbOne · 41-45, M
Just the goodie two shoe ones
Beautifullyderanged · 41-45, F
Don't see a reason to be, kinda pointless really.
DamnFeelz · 36-40, F
A bit. They were rather shortsighted and selfish, but I’m rectifying things
BlueVeins · 22-25
A little -- you morons never should've bred!