The transgenders can fook off and leave the ladies to have sport to themselves, they do not need some 250 pound freak in sport against them.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Because it’s about attention.
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Penny · 46-50, F
this whole issue just points to the fact that men and women ARE different and shows how the the push for gender equality is in some ways ridiculous. treating everyone exactly the same and not respecting our differences is probably the major reason why everything's so messed up. i'm not saying women should be paid less for doing equal work just because they are women or anything but am saying today's society is messed up. it's like we don't honor anything in one another anymore except our outward appearances. no wonder chivalry is dead and women are money grubbing bitches, because it's like there's no substance left in the world where everyone is expected to be the same. so everything is just one big material grab for who can look the hottest in clothes or makeup or have the most stuff. anyway i digress, if we can't respect our differences then we can't respect each other.
Penny · 46-50, F
@HankHill i think having seperate transgender sports leagues is a good solution for sports. i dont think bathrooms should matter though personally. it's like what? gay or bi people should have their own bathrooms too cause they might be perving? kind of ridiculous. it's really stupid the whole "don't use my bathroom" thing in my opinion.
HankHill · 70-79, M
@Penny well I don’t know I just think society assumes most men and most women are attracted to each other. Which makes sense because for the most part our species survives on that reproduction model. So perhaps society is saying there’s a higher chance for sexual harassment to occur when women and men share the same restroom. This is why they have those huge gaps in the stalls here in the US of A supposedly. It’s to take away privacy partially. I think it’s dumb too because it’s like you said there are gay and lesbian people out there so it’s not like they stopped it 100%. Self control is all that is needed....anyone who crosses boundaries should be punished accordingly.
Penny · 46-50, F
@HankHill yes. that's why there are laws against rape and stuff. some people are just total prudes or assholes i think. and women's bathrooms have stalls anyway so i just can't understand the fuss. some guy dressed up as a woman might peek through the crack and see you sitting there? if he doesn't attack you then who cares? i don't think sharing a bathroom is going to provoke people to attack you anyway. or some girl dressed up as a guy might see your peepee? if they are truly transgendered then i'd say they belong in the according bathroom anyway.

what simple fix?
HankHill · 70-79, M
@SW-User well my point is that people are upset that transgenders are competing with women and beating them so I’m wondering why they don’t just create a transgender league for sports.🤷♀️

@HankHill sports?
HankHill · 70-79, M
@SW-User I guess both
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
You mean like have a restroom for Girls, for Boys and another for Transgenders? Sure why not? 🤷♀️
Or have more unisex restrooms. Simpler fix.
Or have more unisex restrooms. Simpler fix.
eMortal · M
The future of gender in sports will go by testosterone levels, not by current sexual organ. It would solve the problem of women born with abnormally high testosterone levels in sports. On May 1st, 2019 I think, the IAAF banned Semana the South African from all competitions for the same reasons.
As for the bathroom thing, one should use the ones matching their current genitals.
As for the bathroom thing, one should use the ones matching their current genitals.
AmbivalentFriability · 26-30
Being segregated feels like shit.
And at the very least you could refer to them correctly as "transgender people". Calling them "transgenders" is like calling tall people "talleds". Also takes away from their humanity when you refer to people by just an adjective.
And at the very least you could refer to them correctly as "transgender people". Calling them "transgenders" is like calling tall people "talleds". Also takes away from their humanity when you refer to people by just an adjective.
HankHill · 70-79, M
@AmbivalentFriability and by your point of view men and women should feel like shit because we’re segregated in sports? Haha you’re a little too sensitive ehh.
HankHill · 70-79, M
@AmbivalentFriability I bet you feel it’s wrong for apples to be segregated from bananas at the grocery store huh!😆
HankHill · 70-79, M
@AmbivalentFriability or how bout someone’s pet kitten from a tiger. Yikes there’s a lot of negative segregation going on there🤣.....use your brain idiot