silentwriter180 · 56-60, F
Music today is way different from the stuff we enjoyed back then. I rarely even listen to it anymore unless I can find a good classic rock station.

I dunno, I heard some decent stuff last night on my drive home. Cant beat the old stuff though
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
It's great if your IQ is in the double digits
RJoeStarz · 46-50, M
@TheRascallyOne I don't know sir, Redman seems to have his math on point with this lyric..
"My paragraph alone is worth five mics/A twelve-song LP, that's 36 mics." LOL
"My paragraph alone is worth five mics/A twelve-song LP, that's 36 mics." LOL
bijouxbroussard · F
I prefer the older stuff, too. I honestly think it was better.
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RJoeStarz · 46-50, M
@SageAdvice So my headaches are excusable. Really though... some stuff is ok but the artistry and originality is gone from today's music. Sad really.
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RJoeStarz · 46-50, M
@SageAdvice The advent of auto-tune and the over-use of samples killed originality. Sales and ratings became more important than the art.
Hip Hop it's time to die...die...die