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Is it better to be loved or feared?

Poll - Total Votes: 14
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Been a few days since I've asked anything so I thought why not something simple. Without an explanation, my answer is loved.
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SW-User Best Comment
Loved is better. Fear is power, or control. It has more of an effect than love. It has major drawbacks though. A man who is feared has to constantly look over his shoulder. As odd as it may sound, I'm too fearful to let a threat remain if I can silence it.
Those I love though, I'd silence anyone for them
@EdDieBloo You said "devil's advocate"
That's like permission to say whatever you want, just to get an intelligible response from the other side. I rarely make this disclaimer, but I play devil's advocate almost constantly here. My side is garbage if nothing backs it up
EdDieBloo · 31-35, M
@SW-User so all smoke and mirrors aside. PM me your truest take or comment it you daredevil lol
@EdDieBloo I give only my truest right here in q&a. Granted, I do bullshit here, but mostly I assume that's obvious stuff. It's fun and games mostly.
Just ask me your questions here. Go into detail if I haven't answered you. I have no shame, believe me

NeloAngelo · 26-30, M
Both. Loved by my allies and feared by my enemies.
I have been both, and believe me, loved is better.
EdDieBloo · 31-35, M
@PrivateHell can you explain the reason for your answer? I'm interested in everyone's take.
curiosi · 61-69, F
Loved, fear is the opposite of love. It is commonly thought that hate is the polar opposite of love when in fact the opposite is not hate, but fear. Love expands, fear shrinks, love opens, fear closes, love trusts, fear doubts.
EdDieBloo · 31-35, M
@curiosi Majority of these comments are hitting the nail. You have a basic but crucial explanation. To live and die...
calicuz · 56-60, M
If they fear you, they will love you.
EdDieBloo · 31-35, M
@NightsWatch then you'd just be a woke fuck jumping to my next question😂
EdDieBloo · 31-35, M
@NightsWatch your comment was my next question. Of course I can imagine the majority of responses being "then it's not true love/hate"
Pfuzylogic · M
Both there is a difference
EdDieBloo · 31-35, M
@Pfuzylogic so answer from your perspective, please.
Pfuzylogic · M
Fear makes you aware of the prospect of losing someone.
Love nurtures and appreciates.
EdDieBloo · 31-35, M
Well I'm trying to be as subjective as possible. They both have pros and cons. Is it possible to choose one side of the fence?
Loved, definitely.
EdDieBloo · 31-35, M
@bijouxbroussard so the fear of being paranoid has you voting loved? That's what I get from your response, not what you necessarily said.
@EdDieBloo It’s not paranoia, though, it’s history. Racism and even genocide often result from fear.
EdDieBloo · 31-35, M
You're going into territory I don't even want to touch at the moment but I agree 1 billion percent.

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