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Mmm...buttercream frosting.
sadlxst · F

SailorMarz · F
I don't like cake. I tell people if they're thinking of buying me cake on my bday, scratch that and buy me donuts. But i get cake every time because they either think it's funny or just aren't really great listeners
GirlSerendipity · 26-30, F
a birthday cupcake maybe
Bertrand36 · 31-35, M
You can celebrate the cake's birthday!
But then it's just a cake.
[image deleted]
Yes, because cake hahaa!
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
My FWB once asked me to bring her a birthday cake and it wasn’t her birthday. I’m going to let you use your imagination as to what she did with it.
sadlxst · F
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
Your right! @sadlxst
Reject · 26-30, M
I actually can't eat cake. It's too sweet for me. I've baked cakes without the frosting though and it's delicious. 😋
sadlxst · F
Omg yes, it really is good without frosting also! @Reject
Cowboybob · M
I don’t really like cake. But a birthday bottle of bourbon is right up my alley!
I can bake cakes whenever i want
I'm more of a Pie lover.
Yeah. That’s cute. lol
Banana pudding please
I’ve toyed with the idea.
Yes, every day.
I wanted to, but I used to bake cakes for loved one’s birthdays. So I could always bake one for myself. 😃

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