No. It's just you.
Mindful · 56-60, F
Often feel very ordinary and compared to social media— I’m a failure. But what is life? I’m here just as much as anyone else, so all things being equal I’m just as important as the next guy, and suddenly I stop worrying. We all die the end “it doesn’t even matter” I just TRy to be comtent
only while I'm awake. when I'm asleep, I don't care.
djjohnson · 41-45, M
Sometimes. But the I think about it fairly and I realize I'm not doing too bad.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Nope... Failing is a part of learning... If you expect to get every new thing right you're kidding yourself!
Mondayschild · F
No. I have had failures but never let them dictate my future
wetncthru · F
I feel like a gin and tonic ...
PhoenixPhail · M
I have a lot of my life.
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tindrummer · M
I don't think you are
PhoenixPhail · M
All the time.
xixgun · M
Not right now

🙋 sometimes
SamuraiJack · 36-40, M
I’m sorry

PhoenixPhail · M
All the time. Why do you feel like a failure?