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sadlxst · F
Hell no lol

rckt148 · 61-69, M
I moved to a city EVERYONE who knew my name hated me
they hid my kids from me for 12 yrs ,,they hated me worse when I took my ex to court and took my kids from her
All the church's around knew who I was too and the members actually treated me like I was satan to my face ,,one lady ,saying she was God ,,finger in my face and everything rebuked me in a crowd of about 500
The Pastor said she had to have spoke for God ,,no one had ever seen her do anything like that before
But God set my table in the presence of my enemies and He blessed me

(she did scare the crap out of me ,,I prayed and fasted a week ,refused to leave my home until God spoke to me and told me exactly how I offended him )
He never spoke to me ,,but a lot of His servants come to me and said that was not God and that lady was wrong ,,but she scared them too ,,
I thought God was about to stike me dead ,,I was just thanking God for winning my count case and here she come ,shouting at me with her finger in my face
"Thus sayeth the Lord " hell if she has been surrounded in lightning
I would have died on the spot ..

Now I have been here 24 yrs
Christmas my ex wife hugged me and told me she loved me (were just friends )
and her Mom said she was sorry about all the things she did to me .."I lacked wisdom " she said ,,I did gospel concerts ,she put the word out ,she stopped all that for hundreds of miles around ,she is well known in the UPC church's
But she hugs me ,holds my hand and looks me in the eyes .
"its clear you have done a very good job raising your kids
your influence can be seen in all your kids and grandkids ,,you did a good job ",
I am sorry for all the things I did to harm you ,,I lacked wisdom ,forgive me ".
I had a long time ago .

I am friends with all my Ex's except 1 ,,,its still painful but i'll get there

I grew up in a place where even my family treated me like dirt
now they all say they are proud of me ,,so yes I love going places where no one likes me ,,and proving ,,,You should never judge people on the opinions of others and you can't judge a book by its cover .

If I did not have thick skin ,,I would not be here
on EP I shared one of my testimonies ,,and was attacked by so many people
"Gods not real you brain washed ass hole "

I actually feared logging on and seeing how many notifications I had
but I face things that scare me until it doesn't
I am basically a shy person from all the verbal and physical abuse I suffered as a child ,,,can you tell it now ?
I don't run from opinions ,,I grow from learning what it is people don't like about me
If what they say is valid ,,I work on it ,,if its not I pray for them
It was the Church that killed Christ ,,if they didn't shut him up
now He lives in me ,,,you offend me ,,you offend him too
I now know who I am ,,all that hate ,,helped me to see it
Darkness hates Light ,,when I am in the right ,,I always win
Greater is He who is in me ,,then all the fallen angels and demons in the world
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@Randy777 I am not angry ,all the caps I assumed you were
Please pardon me ,its called a testimony ,they are known to invoke mixed opinions
I have shared a lot of things with the lady that made the post .
I rarely share such things anymore as not to appear as "shoving my beliefs down anyones throats "
But for those who do like my stories ,and have asked me not to stop sharing them
once in a while I share one with a message ,and some have said they find encouragement in them ..sorry if you didn't ,happy if you did ..
I am still working on how to express myself in text ,and it not be a page long book ,I am a much better speaker /teacher
The lady I prayed for had long passed ,she died in a nursing home not even knowing her name ,,they pastor was voted out of her church by her members
they gave her a home to live out her days ,but she has been asked to not come on church property anymore ...
Touch not my anointed ,do my Prophets no harm thus sayeth the Lord

She was not speaking for God

Have a good one ,I stopped blessing people
I offend more people then I bless ,,they hated Christ too
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rckt148 · 61-69, M
@Randy777 You as well ✌️
LyricalOne · F
Like outside? I try not to but it can’t be helped.
No.. And sometimes my wariness makes me believe I'm not accepted anywhere and take risk going to find out they do accept me 🙊 sometimes
@SW-User Hahah! Yeah fair enough. That can happen too.
@CereBellum I think when people come from far and with packages, they are perhaps put in places that are very tourist friendly.
@SW-User Apparently the only “safe” place is in a gated community/compound. They tell people not to venture out at night.
@CereBellum Huh! I had no idea. I thought it must be doing great and travel safe if they're attracting people from far lands.
If I don’t, I’ll never get back that $20 owed me. 😒
@SW-User Lol that's different.
@SW-User I know. 😁 The answer should be no, but in my case, I go back anyway about half the time. Sometimes I’m needed, and I just have to put that first. 😕
Nope, cant stand a bunch of ungrateful bastards.
bookerdana · M
Sure I might be able to use some of the fruit and vegetables that I am pelted with!😉
bookerdana · M
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here-Radiohead
Oh the bruise thing,I wear padding!😛

YES you emoji needed @SW-User
@bookerdana no emojis deposited.
bookerdana · M
No one was saved (Eleanor Rigby) @SW-User
Elinoria · 100+, F
Not if I can help it.
KingofPizza2 · 36-40, M
Sometimes there's an overriding purpose, so yes.
@KingofPizza2 Do they also chew gum like a cow on its cud?
KingofPizza2 · 36-40, M
@SW-User Possibly... though I'm willing to believe that some of them are actually in fact ruminants.
@KingofPizza2 As if they're not doing enough damage by showing us how unappreciated we are, they got to chew like that too!
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
I generally seek to avoid confrontation in such cases, but sometimes I find it necessary.
Let me know if I need to squash anyone.
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@Randy777 😅 Walls are quite hot topics these days
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Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Well ... they'd fire me if I stopped showing up and then I couldn't afford my mortgage and would be homeless sooo... yes?
Degbeme · 70-79, M
I do everyday. Here! 😋
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@SW-User pish posh? I`ve never been pish poshed in my life! I love it when you talk dirty. 😬
@Degbeme I pish posh all the time and somehow you escaped my pish posh! Preposterous!
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@SW-User It was only a matter of time I guess. ;) 🤗
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@kingkyri LOL that's just business sense. Different from personal want.
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summersong · F
Does it pay well? Otherwise hell no.
@summersong No payment. People just making it so clear you're unappreciated around them.
summersong · F
@SW-User life is way to short to spend it in that sort of environment
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
Only if it was important to my parents.
alan20 · M
Have done, as a pianist. Not any longer.
rockstar · 31-35, M
Nope. Ego issues - self respect.. whatever.
Elegy · 46-50
NO, I have an aversion to such things.
@Elegy Grinds my gears too.😅
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midnightsun · 26-30, M
I know why you posting this
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lost213 · 46-50, M
Everyday my dear.. everyday
No chance, but I might not realise.
If that means war then hell yes
Been there for years
Only if I really have to
Nope. I'm not a masochist.
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Unquestioned · 70-79, M
Only if they owed me money.

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