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@HipYoungDude Oh. Do you have a cult where you get poor sods to practice sodding.. oh sorry, butt secks? 😅
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Elegy · 46-50
I may have an advantage here... I've no interest in not living.
Even if things can be bad and ugly life in general is pretty beautiful if you know where to look. If absolutely nothing else there is a lot of really interesting complexity all around you.
Even if things can be bad and ugly life in general is pretty beautiful if you know where to look. If absolutely nothing else there is a lot of really interesting complexity all around you.
Helpinghands · M
I’m thankful for every day I get in this wonderful life and even more so because of the good health that I and my loved ones enjoy.
Helpinghands · M
@SW-User it’s the nature of life. Sometimes you really don’t appreciate what you’ve got until you’ve lost it or realise you’re soon going to lose it. It’s very difficult for most young people to truly grasp that.

@Helpinghands The whole idea of life would be lived better if it was lived in hindsight.
But yeah, as it is how nature intended, we all make our mistakes and hopefully realise not too late to appreciate all the little things.
But yeah, as it is how nature intended, we all make our mistakes and hopefully realise not too late to appreciate all the little things.
Helpinghands · M
@SW-User yes! I always tell my kids, enjoy it while you can, seize the day etc. Hopefully it’s sunk in even if just to indulge me!
PrivatePeeks · 26-30, F
I have a good attitude and future plans.

@PrivatePeeks That's great!
RuiterInSwart · F
Over valentines I'm going on a 14 day adventure

@RuiterInSwart That sounds horrible. Are you getting help for it? A chiropractor perhaps?
RuiterInSwart · F
@SW-User I struggle to move, I cannot even dress myself or pull down my panty to wee
so getting ready to go see the doc. is out of the q lol
so getting ready to go see the doc. is out of the q lol

@RuiterInSwart There must be some physiotherapists who do house calls. It needs help.

A hard one. My son is my thread. My love for him surpasses my own suffering.

@SW-User 🤗 Yeah.

JustNik · 51-55, F
I think I’m just fortunate to be interested in a lot of things.

@JustNik Yeah. The little things that bring a ripple tide of pleasure.
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@SW-User So, it's loyalty only and nothing else that brings you a joy to live?
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Coffee and bagels.

@Degbeme That's a really tall mug of coffee!
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@SW-User It`s needed. Actually if the truth be known. It`s a requirement. 🤗

@Degbeme 🤗
Nimbus · M
I'll let you know when I find out ;)
summersong · F
Some days my kids are the only thing keeping me alive.

@summersong Bless 'em.
Spoiledbrat · F
Sleeping and lounging around in my pajamas.

@Spoiledbrat Aww nice!