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depends what your definition of "traditional masculinity" is .. if it's to live in a cave, carry a big stick and knock people on the head, then yeah it can be harmful :p
@Zoeoz like i said, that was not serious .. my god loosen up will ya and answer my question ..
what is your definition?
Surely you didnt expect me to go read every comment you made here
Zoeoz · 31-35, F
@SW-User Heh, my bad on the joke. No, that's fine. In retrospect, I should have put something like that in the question description. You made your joke, people hearted it and had a laugh, and in my view we're good here.
@SW-User 🤣
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
No it's not harmful because a lot of people confuse aggression with masculinity when aggression is actually thinly veiled insecurity and isn't an alpha trait. A true alpha male would be dominate by being assertive and not aggressive which is two different mind sets. Assertiveness comes from confidence while aggression comes from insecurity. Aggression can also come from fear and neediness.

Males, like females are sort of forced into gender roles so as a result insecurity comes out as aggression more of a learned behavior because insecurity is seen as feminized.

There's nothing wrong with traditional, then again there's nothing wrong with new age relationships as well because a lot of what people see as alpha is not really alpha to begin with.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@AgapeLove I might be wrong but wouldn't a social construct be psychological in some way? It does come from our minds after all.
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Peaceful · F
Define traditional. 🤔
Zoeoz · 31-35, F
@Peaceful I think the definition of it is up for debate, but I was thinking of the nature of being aggressive, averse to vulnerability, risk-taking, and overly competitive.
Peaceful · F
@Zoeoz I think in certain circumstances, no matter the gender, being aggressive can be necessary, being vulnerable should be reserved to those worthy of it, risk-taking has it's place depending on far as overly competitive? That is harmful to anyone.
I think the way we have been taught to raise men is something that needs to be examined further. Telling a little boy it isn't okay to cry and in a healthy way express his feelings is a huge misstep in my opinion.
uhhhh... not inherently. it's too late for me to piece my thoughts together on this. i think there are aspects of traditional masculinity that are harmful, and attempting to force kids to conform to traditional gender roles tends to stunt their personal growth imo.
Eternity · 26-30, M
Only to those who are insecure within themselves.

Just because I choose to live my life a certain way and hold myself to certain standards doesnt mean that I expect the same from you or anyone else.

That being said, just as I give you the freedom to live as you please free from my judgement, I expect you to extend me the same courtesy.

If you feel the need to label me this or that based on how I live that really says more about you than it says about me.

Just be warned that if you stray into the realm of disrespect or harming me or mine, you will find that one of the byproducts of my values is a mean left hook
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I don't see how ._.
I'm masculine for the most part :v
I dunno whas wrong with it
GlassDog · 46-50, M
If it's seen as an ideal and then you have a lot of insecure people trying to prove they match up to it, then yes, it's harmful and kind of idiotic. Even when not taken as an ideal, most of it is kind of stupid. Who cares if you can throw a knife so it sticks in a tree, or how high you can pee up a wall?
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Sapio · 46-50, M
I think in some regards it can be. It teaches men to mask their emotions and as a result they can develop issues which they cannot resolve and instead lash out with anger to maintain the mask they've been taught to have.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
There is no such thing as traditional masculinity and even if some form of masculinity were the qualities of a mature and competent male are highly variable.

There are weaklings and highly physically and intellectually trained defenders. There are milquetoast authors and refined higher breeds of men. And for most, never shall the twain meet. Unless by exception a knowledgeable person with extreme versatility with his social and survival skills might through first person awareness become acquainted with this fact.

The short answer for the reading challenged is not usually, by my own definitions.
No. It's human nature. But there is a difference between being an alpha-male and disrespecting women. Something. Both feminists and a lot of guys don't understand
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I think the idea of withholding emotions and being strong can sometimes be harmful, which is a factor in why male suicide rates are high. Confiding in other men is far from easy
Pfuzylogic · M
The definition of masculinity has evolved and changed since I have known in the 60s. This same question could have been asked when I was in my teens in the 70s.
Then came Bowie!
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Is an alpha Male harmful ?
And what’s your answer ? @Zoeoz
Zoeoz · 31-35, F
@SW-User I think that there is a mixture of good and bad aspects of traditional masculinity. Probably mostly bad, since I believe that the elimination of traditional gender roles is generally a good thing.
Well that’s your opinion and I respect that.

I think it depends on the personality type, regardless of “make up, stereo type, ethnicities or gender.

You can get skinny angry little men in heels 👠 too 🤓 @Zoeoz
IWasCallingYaLarry · 26-30, M
No, it isn't. Just because I have a penis and was born the way I am doesn't mean I'm any less of a human being and Gillette can fuck right off with that garbage ad they put out that insulted me and many other men. How disrespectful and out of touch they were on that. And to be sexist and hate pretty much their entire customer base.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@IWasCallingYaLarry Lmao so fragile 😂
IWasCallingYaLarry · 26-30, M
@QuixoticSoul No, I just don't think I should be listening to politics being shoved in my face when I'm shaving. Idk if you saw that Gillette ad but I believe she is asking the question in relation to that ad since that recently happened. That ad was literally insulting men and saying pretty much that we're pieces of shit for literally just being who we are. Not joking.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@IWasCallingYaLarry Yeah, you’re totally not suuuuper offended about an ad whose general message was “hey don’t be a dick, maybe”. Btw, this question predates the ad.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
Parts of traditional anything are harmful. But far from everything.
Only if it isn't nurtured and guided. A boy will either turn into a good man or a bad man. The traits people refer to when discussing "toxic masculinity" (agressivenes, competitiveness, etc.) aren't just going to go away because we are told that they are inherently bad. These things need to be channeled and focused.
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Jm31xxx · 46-50, M
It's boring tho
No gdmn it.
I think so.
Ryanoliver2011 · 26-30, M
IWasCallingYaLarry · 26-30, M
No. People who think so can fuck right off.
Galanr40 · 61-69, M
Certainly not..

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