Johnjo · 70-79, M
Go for it your young beautiful why not enjoy yourself that lots of years experience talking. If you ever need to talk to someone I'm good listnerx
butterfly1013 · 26-30, F
I wouldn't rush it. Not only did you just get out of a relationship recently, you are soo young. Being with a 20 year old is the last thing you should be thinking about if you want me to be honest with you. Focus on those bills and being a teenager. Learn to be happy alone. Love will come later. up to you, but just ,y opinion.
atormanen · 22-25, F
@butterfly1013 you’re right I just I don’t know how to feel anymore. I feel like I am losing control but I’m not at the same time and everything just feels empty.
ItsGonnaBeOk · 26-30, M
Stay friends for a while give your self time to heal.
If he wanted to ask you out just tell him the truth you are not rejecting him but you need some time by your self and focus on your current issues like bills
If he wanted to ask you out just tell him the truth you are not rejecting him but you need some time by your self and focus on your current issues like bills
atormanen · 22-25, F
@ItsGonnaBeOk thank you, he’s actually the one who helped me get out of a controlling relationship and I really want to continue being friends with him.