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When the will you Americans accept 9/11 as history , it only showed how weak and Nieve you really are !

600-800 human around the the world die everyday through the acts ignorance and religious and acts of separatists individuals , including those within your faith societies in the USA , what makes you as a nation so selfish and ignorant to know that the acts of 9/11 were proven that your government and those within the know had knowledge of this , 20 days and 40 mins previously to the event , but they need a reason and action to progress in there political and actions from those that they felt threatened by !!!
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Wishingwellguy · 46-50, M
Any individuals who feel I have insulted or often them or your nation , beliefs or faith , to report me through the correct channels , it’s about time this became a subject to be news in your nation , a president set , instead of the dribble you are drop fed , and those that were exploited , the offices and the brave individuals and family’s the Truth !
Gangstress · 41-45, F
@Wishingwellguy people forget about wtc7
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Thanks for the insight.

Guess you didn’t know they’ve been after us well before 9/11.
Wishingwellguy · 46-50, M
From Your own nation and government or the possible few that comment acts of sepritist across the world , including the USA @Keepitsimple
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Well come save us, you know everything.@Wishingwellguy
Wishingwellguy · 46-50, M
Unfortunately yes I do , but my silence and my own individual life has no prescience of the millions in across the world , with what intentions your nation has in this near future @Keepitsimple
Of course it’s history and history is not forgotten. Especially since it was the biggest planned attack on U.S. soil after Pearl Harbor. Majority of Americans just hope before something like this takes place again the governemnt will stop it before it happens.
Wishingwellguy · 46-50, M
But the American government was aware days before , but it was to convenient and played into there hands , to misdirect the nation from the truth @SW-User
Gangstress · 41-45, F
This is what i do not understand. They had knowledge of this.
Wishingwellguy · 46-50, M
Yes , and a hand of the act , sacrifice few l, with the idea of saving lives of the millions @Gangstress
I've never heard anyone say otherwise.

Can't tell if you're ignorant or just trolling.
Wishingwellguy · 46-50, M
Not a troll , a realist , and willing to stand in a court of true justice , but without the court putting there act of justice wittin foolish beliefs that a “ god “ guided them @Callmewhatyouwill
daydeeo · 61-69, M
At least many of us are able to write in intelligible sentences.
HeadGirl · 46-50, F
Do you seriously expect the Americans to forget that? I'm British myself and I've never been to America in my life, but I still side with them against the trash who did that.
HeadGirl · 46-50, F
@Wishingwellguy Sorry, I don't understand. Then my what did you say?
Wishingwellguy · 46-50, M
Time will tell , sooner than later @HeadGirl
HeadGirl · 46-50, F
@Wishingwellguy I don't think so.
TexChik · F
Nobody denies 9/11 happened. Muslim scumbags had been trying to blow that building up for years

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