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Has humanity stopped evolving?

How much have we evolved as a species, how far have we actually come in terms of evolution. People say being broad-minded in this day of age is somehow crucial to our existence & what is our existence really? How are we different from every other person, we like to think that we’re different, are we? Our lives controlled by everything that is fake.! Our mentors telling us how we should be leading our lives? Telling us what brand of shoes, clothes we should be buying, what car we should get? What food we should eat? What brand of toilet we should be taking a dump on? Who are these mentors of ours? Why do we know more about an “X” celebrity life than that of ours? Are our lives are our own? We’d like to think so! & yet all that can be seen around the world are people with superficial existence of an empty shell which keeps repeating the same dumb shit everyday. Every person falling in line with the other, being the sheep they choose to be with the same scripted life.INDIVIDUALITY IS DEAD...! So how have we Evolved?
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sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
So what have you done in the last seven days to separate yourself from the sheep?

Legit question. If you recognize the flock for what it is, then are you choosing to happily eat grass? Or are you taking a different path?
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@Chaosunleashed I'm very sorry to hear that. It is easy to recognize that the world has problems. Every member of the flock from the smallest on up knows it is walking in shit and there are wolves at the gate. Isolating yourself from the flock does nothing to help them or you. It simply lessons your exposure to their shit. Congratulations.

I am looking for people who see the same thing you see, but decide to be sheepdogs and help the flock. Everyone in this world is either a wolf, a sheepdog, or a part of the flock.
Chaosunleashed · 31-35, M
@sarabee1995 Just what I was thinking you would say. Tell me one thing, would you deliberately choose to be in a company of retards and insult your intelligence? What do you think would happen if you were constantly exposed to retardation? And to think that isolation doesn’t help me? It has saved me, and has helped me preserve my identity as an individual. What do you think I would’ve been like if I hadn’t isolated myself? An empty shell of a person living a scripted life, where all the decisions of my life had already been made for me!
And as for saving, I will preserve my patience for the ones who’s lives are directly going to be affected by my own.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@Chaosunleashed In isolating yourself from the flock, you do nothing to help them or you. I stand by that statement.

We can debate all day long about whether an individual has an obligation to help his neighbor. Your thoughts are clear and I hope mine are as well. But if you goal is to help yourself, then simply isolating yourself from the flock does nothing in this regard. As I said already, it simply isolates you from their shit. If you want to improve your life and the lives of those close to you in any real way, then you need to take positive steps to improve the little corner of the world in which you live. Isolating yourself does not do this.

In regards to your question of me, first I object strongly to your use of the retards. I believe that all human life is of value and that we each are endowed with different aptitudes, all of which are necessary for a functioning society. I have a good friend with Downs Syndrome and I've never mentioned him on EP or SW before now. I think he brings more love and compassion and beauty to this world than your ugliness ever could hope to. So you ask if I would ever deliberately spend time with people who might score lower on some arbitrary intelligence test and I say to you definitively that I not only would, but I do, and they bless my life.

I feel sorry for you and hope that someday your eyes are opened to the beauty of the flock you are charged to help if able.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Evolution simply fits varieties of a type to the environment through differential survival. It doesn't have an intrinsic direction. Very broadly speaking if being one of the herd means that your genes prosper and being an individual means that they don't then carriers of the herd genes will breed more than carriers of the individual genes.

Bacteria and viruses evolve much faster than we do. Humans haven't changed substantially since the emergence of anatomically modern humans thirty thousand years ago (see and

But I agree with your criticism of much of modern life.
Maybe. The evolution of the human intelligence has in some circumstances ground to a halt our general evolution due to the natural laws of survival (successful reproduction). We have taken over control of our own species future developement and very much succumb to artificial evolution through science, medicine, technology and philosophy. Some believe that this is purely an extension of natural evolution. Overall its a very uneven evolution of a single species, possibly a divergence and in the future a separate species may emerge, since half the worlds adult population have never made a phone call and most likely never will. The 'have humans' and the 'have not humans'?
Abrienda · 26-30, F
Among the people I work with, definitely.
Chaosunleashed · 31-35, M
@Abrienda Tell me about it. Where I come from the whole god damn city is full of retards.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@Chaosunleashed Hahahaahah! From what I can tell people are much dummer than before. Here it is ... Abri's Theory of Devolution ¬ the easier it is to live, the dummer you become.
Chaosunleashed · 31-35, M
@Abrienda Well thats the problem. People love EASY!
Humanity is in its infancy - comparable to that period in a child's life known as 'the terrible twos'.
Chaosunleashed · 31-35, M
@EugenieLaBorgia I see your an optimist! From where I am standing all I see is devolution. Believe me when I say we aren't getting any smarter than we already are.
@Chaosunleashed Perhaps, not in our life-times. Humans think only of the short term and not of the long.
@Chaosunleashed Yep totally agree with you.
Yep I fo sho think so. We've evolved our egos and self centeredness but devolved in all other ways. Look around here for a good example of it.
Yes, agreed. We go back as technology moves forward
Chaosunleashed · 31-35, M
Talk about Devolution!
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