ArishMell · 70-79, M
I've not noticed this, though I have noticed many have no idea how to use a knife and fork.
I think a lot of people now have poor manners and social skills generally, but are not even aware of it.
I think a lot of people now have poor manners and social skills generally, but are not even aware of it.
Peaches · F
I don't watch people while they're eating. This one man kept staring at me in a restaurant while I was eating. My boyfriend told me to just ignore him. After 30 minutes or more I got so pissed off I opened my mouth with food in it so he could have a good look!👀🤣My boyfriend got pissed off, but the waitress was aware of the situation and said "good for you!"
Wishingwellguy · 46-50, M
@Peaches not something o would condone, but fair play in your case
Peaches · F
@Wishingwellguy This man stared without even blinking. When I was leaving I walked to his table and said "didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to stare at people?" He just sat there grinning like a fool. When the waitress stuck up for me my boyfriend didn't say another word about it.😒
Colourflame · 22-25, F
I just hate the sound of it really. The lip-smacking and everything. The vision is pretty horrific itself but the sound is what really gets to me.