nonsensiclesnail · F
allow? I don't have control over the actions of others.
I do not respond in any manner that makes them think I'm interested though. A few of them have gotten a proper scolding.
I do not respond in any manner that makes them think I'm interested though. A few of them have gotten a proper scolding.
Stephen91 · 31-35, M
@nonsensiclesnail but the question is would you be ok if your husbands friend approached you or your sons friend tried showing you his luggage
nonsensiclesnail · F
@Stephen91 And if you read my response...
TexChik · F
I would not tolerate any inappropriate contact
AnneHoney · 41-45, F
Ok with looking?
katielass · F
You can only react after they've hit on you.
KentuckyWildcats · M
Are you hitting on a friends MILF and not getting any response?
Stephen91 · 31-35, M
@KentuckyWildcats I’m not but I have they fantasy
KentuckyWildcats · M
Keep jacking and think about the MILF often! Tell your friend you'd like to bang his/her Mom. They may be able to arrange it.