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joediamond · 36-40, M
Now let's do a circle,and chant bloody Mary,bloody Mary,bloody Mary
joediamond · 36-40, M
@SW-User Me too,I tried to turn the bathroom light off,and do it one time but I got scared,and ran out on the first chant.Im such a chicken.Lol
@joediamond 😂 I did the same thing! I was in the bathroom looking at the mirror for exactly a second, just enough to yell “Bloody Mary!” then I got my ass out of there
joediamond · 36-40, M

Jack4054 · M
Are you aware of what you're doing here? I'm a fan but please always ask your spirt guides for protection from entities which wish to do harm. Check out, "Mirror gazing" should you wish for more information.
Jack4054 · M
Seriously, my friend. Mirror gazing, also called scrying, is a form of communicating with spirits. This can also include your own and past lives. Just be kind of careful as some have had some freaky experiences. Do ask for protection.
@Jack4054 Thanks 😄 I’ll remember that
Jack4054 · M
@SW-User Go in peace and love.
If I stare into anything too long it's because my mind has gone places. It's not looking at anything visual.
@SW-User That makes sense. Everything doesn’t always look like it seems once it enters your eyes
DaughterOfTheDust · 22-25, F
If I look in the mirror for too long I get confused.
DaughterOfTheDust · 22-25, F
@SW-User Like seriously blackout and forget who I am. It’s like looking at a different person.
@DaughterOfTheDust That happens to me too! It’s when scary shit happens
DaughterOfTheDust · 22-25, F
@SW-User same here!
Allelse · 36-40, M
You should try doing it in the dark.
@Allelse Lol it keeps me sane 😝
Allelse · 36-40, M
@SW-User And a good thing too!! You dont want to end up in no laughing academy :O !
@Allelse Lol Definitely not
Yeah, in fact I think the real me exists in the mirror... I'm just a reflection of her... 😣
@mad205039 😂 I’ve destroyed my mirror and I’m still here
@SW-User 🙀 omg! She'd be wilder and creepier for sure.. 😋 😂 ...
@mad205039 That thing happened in some movie... 😣
If I look at any face for longer than normal I feel it’s size changing; it’s scary
@SW-User Lol I knew there must be some scientific explanation to it. Can you send me the link of it so I can read it to my sisters so they won’t go crazy like you almost did? 😆
@SW-User Thank you! 🤗 That is crazy! Lol
GlitterBug · 22-25, F
I don’t look at my reflection unless I’m doing my hair or makeup or checking my outfit for animal fur .-.
@GlitterBug Ooo fancy 😊 I get scared every time I look in the mirror no matter what I’m doing with it lol
GlitterBug · 22-25, F
Mirrors are said to trap the souls of the dead, it’s why there’s a tradition to cover mirrors after a death ;) @SW-User
@GlitterBug Yikes...I think I’ve seen a movie where the guy goes an exorcist by using a mirror to trap the demon. I think the movie is called “Constantine”
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@mad205039 What if the demon was disguising itself as you? 🙈
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@mad205039 😂 Interesting. Damn I learn something new every day
xRedx · M
I don't recall, but perhaps
xRedx · M
@SW-User No, it did not 🙂
@xRedx Okie 🤗
xRedx · M
@SW-User 🤗
Staring at my reflection is already scary lol
@mindstruggle 😂 Same! We must’ve watched too many horror movies
lmao! 😂
Deadcutie · 18-21, F
Can’t say I have

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