bookerdana · M
In the States it's Super Bowl Weekend😛
We are beginning to realize Winter will be with us two more months:we sleeping in

We are beginning to realize Winter will be with us two more months:we sleeping in

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bookerdana · M
And I am questioning the reason for their use ..btw,I wear the purple!

bookerdana · M
Think Roman Emperors..DDG is your friend
SWisGoingWoke · M
I thought it was a surprise birthday party where we are all supposed to hide until the bday person comes in and then we jump up and yell. No?

@SWisGoingWoke I'm wading my way through. How're you doing? Also, no one called me a kiddo in many years. :P
SWisGoingWoke · M
@SW-User You'll always be a kiddo to me... ;)

@SWisGoingWoke I don't mind. The rare chance I get to feel young. :D
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
08:15 here in England.
09:15 in Europe.
The U.S. still asleep.
Bound to be quiet this time of day.
09:15 in Europe.
The U.S. still asleep.
Bound to be quiet this time of day.

@Picklebobble2 But it is Saturday and Friday night in USA. Why do people need to sleep? Lol .. I'm joking.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@SW-User Yeah dammit !
I mean, we made the effort you'd think they would too !
I mean, we made the effort you'd think they would too !

@Picklebobble2 Now you're getting it! LOL!
69mrsmith69 · 51-55, M
G’day I’m good! How are you?
69mrsmith69 · 51-55, M
@SW-User it has been a day of recovery! And damn it I was only going out for a couple of drinks last night!!!! Not sure what happened to that plan 🤔
But the hangover fairy 🧚♀️ has been and waved her wand over me so I’m ready to rock and roll again 😊
But the hangover fairy 🧚♀️ has been and waved her wand over me so I’m ready to rock and roll again 😊

@69mrsmith69 Lol Water, lots of water will be your saviour.
69mrsmith69 · 51-55, M
@SW-User copious amounts of it have been consumed lol
SerenitiesScars · 36-40, M
Oh great... 😒 You noticed me and spoiled everything..

@SerenitiesScars *Haunts you until you cremate my body with dignity.
SerenitiesScars · 36-40, M
*Hid it under poop and refuses to go through that again!!*

@SerenitiesScars Scares the bajeezus out of you every opportunity I get. You will never relax again!

It's the quiet that can be most timeless and meaningful,....:)

@SW-User Profound, as always.

@SW-User Awww shucks ..... love you

@SW-User Right back atcha! :)
SapphicHeart · F
Shh. It's cuddling time now. 😏
SapphicHeart · F
We'll get to that point just in a moment. Ahem. 😛😏
We'll get to that point just in a moment. Ahem. 😛😏

@SapphicHeart Woah, lol.
SapphicHeart · F
@SW-User 😋😘
Spoiledbrat · F
I’m still awake but I should be asleep.

@Spoiledbrat Sleep well when you do.

It's shift change 😂

@SW-User 🤣
Doomflower · 41-45, M
I am supposed to be sleeping.
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
Is late.

@UndeadPrivateer I guess that counts but you know, when it's weekend... I want to expect noise, lol.

Hello. So cold and cozy 😊

@SW-User :)
WeighedDown · 41-45, M
How is everybody? Well 82% are masturbating 16% just got done masturbating and the rest of us are trying to navigate through the perverts
WeighedDown · 41-45, M
Cause not everyone has your stamina @MartinTheFirst
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@WeighedDown well it takes practice 😼
WeighedDown · 41-45, M
@MartinTheFirst I bet it does
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Oh you caught us, well surpriiise 🎂!!!

@MartinTheFirst It is not my birthday but I am enjoying this so much, I don't correct you. :P
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@SW-User i dont celebrate birthdays, in my family we do it as a surprise just because of love 😊

@MartinTheFirst I can celebrate love. :D