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JustAnotherGirl · 31-35, F
@Firespirit or something seen as wrong at least but just because something is seen as wrong by one person (or some people) does not mean it is.

Longpatrol · 31-35, M Best Comment
I would like to hope so. And there are people out there who are amazingly tolerant. But full across the board tolerance...we may need to beinvaded by an alien superpower first.
Dewkissedrose · 46-50, F
@Longpatrol this is how i feel too. Im not a fan of people who get mad at others for not being tolerant, but in the process they themselves are not tolerant. Crazy.
JustAnotherGirl · 31-35, F
I think it can and does if you look at the smaller picture because I think there are individuals out there who practice true tolerance but the chances of any one person that’s seeking it finds all those individuals and can create a bigger picture of it is very very unlikely and sadly the focus on the intolerance appears to outweigh focus on people who are very tolerant.
Tolerance .. as defined by the Supreme court, is as individual as DNA.

There exists no right to tolerance.

There exists no standard.

There exists no minimum.

There exists no maximum.

There doesn't even exist an expectation of tolerance.

Thus, "True Tolerance", does not exist ... nor should it.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Tolerance, as such, is subjective. So how would anyone define true tolerance? Even a legal definition would be meaningless in light of such subjectivity.

So does it exist? Does true individuality exist? Only to ones self!
Within a person or society?

I don’t think a society could ever be truly tolerant. Some people are just contrarians.
No. I’m becoming less and less tolerant too.
No. It can't even be defined.

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