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Who here thinks the Trump wall is a good idea?

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I'm being dead honest here, there's no reason for it to be built and someone on here thinks that it's a swell idea
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It seems like an extravagant waste of money.
UndeadSona · F
It's a waste of money but I surprised no one has spun it as a source of jobs.

How does he expect to fund it with those tax cuts?
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
They can build secret doors.
UndeadSona · F
they really don't need to, most of them don't run across the border, like many people believe
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
But they said it was a metaphorical wall XD
Shadowstep · 26-30, M
@DarkSillyArtistGamerGeekdddddd no it's a real thing
Ynotisay · M
And I could probably lay out five assessments of who that person is and be right.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
I forget the number, but it's like 45-60% of illegal to the U.S.

And, another big percentage point is from legal immigrants who just overstay.

The wall is probably one of the stupidest ideas in history. Obscenely expensive for pretty much no reason.
Ynotisay · M
@Tatsumi You're right. The majority of those here illegally aren't Mexican or Central American. The difference is Mexicans come here to work. Many of the others come here to game our system.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@Ynotisay Well. About half of all illegal immigrants are Mexican. They're not the majority in contrast to *all* different *types* of illegal immigrants, but they're still the major one. The Mexicans are all already here, lul.

I dunno about the system gaming, really, so I can't really say anything. But I'm sure there are some Mexicans doing so, as well. For instance, like doing services for cash and not reporting it to the government, like my uncle, then receiving government benefits for not making a lot of money, when they're banking 50k-100k a year.

My uncle is Mexican, racially and culturally, and has a small landscape business. I know a lot of his friends don't report their earnings, at all. Though, he's here legally, since he married my aunt.
Ynotisay · M
@Tatsumi No doubt it happens. And a lot of the money they earn here goes right back to Mexico. But I guess I don't see that much differently than multi-billion dollar companies not paying tax either. General Motors is an example.
I can speak to gaming the system as I live in a very diverse city and see it with my own eyes. Israeli's, Russians,'s a serious problem.
But I'm a big personal fan of first and second generation Mexicans. Hard working, humble, kind. And most risked their lives to escape really bad scenes to get here. I'd probably do the same.
Either way, no pinche wall is going to change anything. That was just red meat to those who need to blame others for their own situations. Wish they'd start blaming the REAL culprits.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
Can we lead him into a recess in the catacombs, and wall him in?
Whys0serious · 36-40, M
Well his backup plan is probably a fucking mine field.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
@Whys0serious Yet if there is free pussy to grab he will go.
Whys0serious · 36-40, M
@Shadowstep So is torture.
Shadowstep · 26-30, M
@Whys0serious torture is different, literal minefields are banned

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