hunkalove · 61-69, M
EPAllie escaped the EPbunker and is alive and well in Argentina!

@hunkalove You know it's true!
foxontherun · 31-35, F

SteelHands · 61-69, M
Here is one that almost sounds plausible.
The testing of nuclear weapons in the 50s and 60s drew the attention of other galactic beings that have star distance travel ability through zero point hyperspace plexomanipulation.
Our additional tests of harrp and other high power radar systems accidentally brought down about a dozen of those star craft. While deliberating on Earth's punishment for crashing those ships and loss of reticulan life those other life forms traveled into the future and past to verify the galactic safety of our collective demise.
During this audit they learned the concept of self motive known in human words as free will, accidental wrongs and intent.
They now fully understood. It was an error that caused their ships to crash. We are now in possession of their zero point energy devices but only a handful of humans understand how they work.
This is very powerful tech that should be kept out of the hands of unstable human beings so they have established a diplomatic agency here to regulate it's use.
Nah. I don't really believe such nonsense. Lol
The testing of nuclear weapons in the 50s and 60s drew the attention of other galactic beings that have star distance travel ability through zero point hyperspace plexomanipulation.
Our additional tests of harrp and other high power radar systems accidentally brought down about a dozen of those star craft. While deliberating on Earth's punishment for crashing those ships and loss of reticulan life those other life forms traveled into the future and past to verify the galactic safety of our collective demise.
During this audit they learned the concept of self motive known in human words as free will, accidental wrongs and intent.
They now fully understood. It was an error that caused their ships to crash. We are now in possession of their zero point energy devices but only a handful of humans understand how they work.
This is very powerful tech that should be kept out of the hands of unstable human beings so they have established a diplomatic agency here to regulate it's use.
Nah. I don't really believe such nonsense. Lol
Tuscan · 70-79, M
I completely believe that Rupert Murdoch arranged Robert Maxwell's murder and had it made to look like suicide. Everyone tells me it is completely crazy, but they all think he is capable of it
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Tuscan · 70-79, M
I just looked on google to see if there was any mention of it, but I couldn't find anything. 20 years ago it was a quite widespread rumour. I can't produce any evidence for it but it always seemed quite plausible to me.
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unknownpoetx · 36-40, M
@SakuraShimeji you are the one being disrespectful for the thousands of victims from japan's evil attack on usa
foxontherun · 31-35, F
@SakuraShimeji The USA never quits attacking.
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9/11... while I don't fully believe the conspiracy of it, the conspiracy footage is quite interesting
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@ForkBoy Yes, I do remember that and it was awful!

A democracy is just a face for the true people in power to provide guidance to and to take the blame or credit for the time they have in office
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foxontherun · 31-35, F
@Foxgirl Alien theories are my absolute fave. Have you seen the Netflix documentary about Stan Romanek?

Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer. Why? Well, have ya ever seen the two of them in the same room at the same time? No. So therefore Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer.

Alex Jones is working for the FBI
foxontherun · 31-35, F
@SW-User You win, this is my favourite. He's such an angry, plump, old tomato. Totally mirrors most government agency officials. 😂
plaguewatcher · M
This one Sounds, like one, but is real, with real evidence, all can see.
Since Richard Nixon, and starting there,
There has been a slow legal and deliberate takeover of all the major media by conservative political operatives they have removed laws for fairness that have changed the financial structure by which media companies can be owned and the end result as we are now a nation that doesn't believe in our own science and elected a sociopath for president all because starting in the Nixon Administration the vast right-wing conspiracy turns out to be real.
Methodically and for years these persons have removed every Safeguard we have had put in place to protect us from those who will lie steal and cheat to gain power I only wish it was a wild-ass conspiracy and not trackable history
Since Richard Nixon, and starting there,
There has been a slow legal and deliberate takeover of all the major media by conservative political operatives they have removed laws for fairness that have changed the financial structure by which media companies can be owned and the end result as we are now a nation that doesn't believe in our own science and elected a sociopath for president all because starting in the Nixon Administration the vast right-wing conspiracy turns out to be real.
Methodically and for years these persons have removed every Safeguard we have had put in place to protect us from those who will lie steal and cheat to gain power I only wish it was a wild-ass conspiracy and not trackable history

The behavioural sink and the Calhoun experiments seems highly plausible
emoanimegal · 31-35, F
The Titanic never sank..
walabby · M
The only one that I believe in is that Lee Harvey Oswald didn't kill JFK..
unknownpoetx · 36-40, M
conspiracy theories are by definition fake. only stupid people believe them
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foxontherun · 31-35, F
You must be this tall to report. :)
--------> 1inch. (where it counts) w/a 6ft. ego
--------> 1inch. (where it counts) w/a 6ft. ego
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MenzernaSF4000 · 36-40, M
9/11 documentaries are so chilling.
aqua59 · 61-69, M
Trump is really an alien sent to destroy the planet
Tennessee ammonia scrubber
Hilary Clinton planned out a murder on ghadaffi, 9/11 was known prior to the attacks but the us government didn't do anything to stop it, Tupac is alive
foxontherun · 31-35, F
@Insomniac100 I wonder if all "deceased" celebrities who are theorized to be alive have one secret locale. Like an agency/branch of government who a) keeps them hidden forcefully b) just helps them hide.
Tupac and Elvis throwin' it down right now LOL
Tupac and Elvis throwin' it down right now LOL
detrimentalfallacy · 26-30, F
The lizard people.
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
You being genuine?@detrimentalfallacy
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
Oh I watch Shane Dawson for those theories