GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
This is an awesome question. I believe every decision we make every day should include a healthy debate pro and con. The internal conflict comes when we know the right choice but desperately want the wrong choice. So far good has been prevailing but it is not easy.
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Doubting myself even when I know the truth and that the doubts are unreal, that I shouldn't have doubts about some of what I believe in. I usually have learned that I can use anger or other strong emotions to over-power my overthinking. Hard to explain. If I summon all my emotions, it gives me a boost in everything. If I'm angry, I'll also work harder too, so I see it as way to use my most hated emotions for good and fixing inner conflicts.
OverMe · 51-55, F
@SW-User Wow. Thank you for putting so much of yourself in your response. I hope you will come to learn that the anger is not actually helping you in the long run. (And I wonder if the "shoulds" you place upon yourself are the cause of much of your anger?) 💙

@OverMe I think I'm just a moody person, runs in the family. I can purposefully get myself angry or chill the anger when needed, it's only bad if I can't control it. It's good exercise motivation, I turn into a strong person
using it.😂
using it.😂
OverMe · 51-55, F
@SW-User Ahh ok. I am glad it works for you. 😊👍

I just need to deal with myself I guess, I just have to get over someone.
OverMe · 51-55, F
@SW-User Hmmm. "Dealing with myself" and "getting over someone" sound like two very different things (to me anyway). Why do you think you need to get over yourself? (Funny, btw, bc that's the meaning behind my user name...)

@OverMe I have trust issues and I think I need to deal with them.
OverMe · 51-55, F
@SW-User Ahh I see. Someone broke your trust... That's a tough one. I'm sorry for what you're going through. You will learn to trust again--it just takes time. 💙
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Not at the present but certainly have in the past. Each conflict seems to have its own solution.
OverMe · 51-55, F
@hippyjoe1955 I am happy to hear you have no conflicts at the moment. Live it up! Lol.
Thanks for the response. 😊
Thanks for the response. 😊
Nope just human ones.
Who said I wasn’t? @OverMe
OverMe · 51-55, F
@MsAnnThropy You did, I think? You answered "Nope". What'd I miss?! Lol.
@OverMe There’s a difference between a conflict and fighting oneself.
Autumn321 · 51-55, M
Yes I do have. If u like to talk on it we can in the message
MenzernaSF4000 · 36-40, M
I am calm and blank atm. Its almost 1 AM and I will be sleeping soon.