cycleman · 61-69, M
there isn't a right nor a wrong perspective. they are just one's perspective.
PhoenixPhail · M
...not until relatively later in life. I was so busy seeing things the way I needed to, to protect myself from perceived threats, that I clung to that way of seeing to continue the protection, even when it was no longer necessary. My beliefs based on past experiences, were forming my perceptions, and so, my experiences of the present.
The upside is, I can refer to how I saw things as a kind of map, showing me what beliefs had control of me, how they formed the way I experienced my life, the effect they have on how I see things now, and make necessary adjustments.
The upside is, I can refer to how I saw things as a kind of map, showing me what beliefs had control of me, how they formed the way I experienced my life, the effect they have on how I see things now, and make necessary adjustments.
OverMe · 51-55, F
@PhoenixPhail We are so much alike. 😊💙
PhoenixPhail · M
@OverMe It would seem. I really enjoy talking with you.
OverMe · 51-55, F
@PhoenixPhail I enjoy talking with my new friend too. 💙
Always learning
I have my opinions....but I like it when you can respectfully discuss differences.
Always learning
I have my opinions....but I like it when you can respectfully discuss differences.
OverMe · 51-55, F
@Thinking2much All good things! 💙
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
My perspective changed over a period of many years. It's an ongoing process.
SailorMarz · F
Mehh, i think my perspective on most things is right.
OverMe · 51-55, F
@SailorMarz Aaaand, that's your perspective...!
After some particularly potent gunja around 21

I wish, I could be open about it here without offending masses here. lol
PhoenixPhail · M
@SW-User Give it your best shot.

@PhoenixPhail I used to think, women are mostly innocent/naive and its the man who corrupt them. But I found out that its not true. I can't say more for obvious reasons. lol
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I don't know when I first realized it exactly, but some time during my teens. Getting past that hubris of knowing what's best for the world and for everyone else is tough (and many never get past it), but my perspective is just that: one among many. It may be closer to objective truth (the belief in which is another perspective of mine!) but it may not be.
OverMe · 51-55, F
@SW-User That's quite young to have realized that. I guess I was a slow learner. 😝
Bean17 · 51-55, F
Haha I haven’t quite gotten there yet.😅
LoveOfLore · 61-69, F
Age 5.
OverMe · 51-55, F
@LoveOfLore What happened at age 5 to make you realize this?
LoveOfLore · 61-69, F
@OverMe Kindergarten
QueenOfSmiles · 46-50, F
As a kid on the school bus.