Name and also report
report them.
jpiper5 · M
Good advice @DuchessOfMapleSyrup
MikefromEP · 56-60, M
Do the older people know this person is 16? Cyber police can be sent in if that is the case
jpiper5 · M
Now that’s a good question. And I don’t want to make excuses but it’s a good thing I wasn’t willing to send explicit pics or anything. Otherwise I’d have to worry about jail time. Smh it’s honest sad that someone would make an account claiming to be older, and that there are men out there that doesn’t care. @MikefromEP
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
report to an admin so to maybe save someone from possibly incriminating themselves
jpiper5 · M
I reported them. @Mrsbetweenfatandfit
Fernie · F
I think it's just another creepy dude in his 40's
Starcrossed · 41-45, F

nedkelly · 61-69, M
Name the arseholes
Chickie · F
Always report people like that!