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Mordi · 31-35, M
blueumbrella · 31-35, F
@Mordi I can't ever leave SW either lol
Mordi · 31-35, M
I'd have to spend that last year building an artificial intelligence that could mimic my SW activity. 🤔

EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
I'd move back in with my ex-wife. Then, that year would seem like ten.
EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
@forgotten4ever No, I don't. That's why 1 year with her would seem like ten. Guess my feeble attempt at humor failed. :-(
forgotten4ever · 46-50, F
@EnigmaticGeek aww sorry I didn't get it right away...✌️
EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
I'd spend time with the people I care about, travel a little, set up a will or use my money in a way that'll most benefit those I want to have it after I die.
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sarahcupcake · 36-40, F
See a doctor..... I think I need to live a little longer than that..!!
Spend it with those I love and if I could travel before I got to sick to do so
popmol · 26-30, M
FEAST, DRINK, PARTY, SEX al lthe things i normally don't do (except the eating)
blueumbrella · 31-35, F
Nothing different, except maybe travel more.
wintersecret · 41-45, M
live it to Full
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Lots of sex
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@sarahcupcake That's your opinion
sarahcupcake · 36-40, F
@MrBrownstone Well.... it obviously isn't yours..!!!!
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@sarahcupcake Thanks for being tolerant.
SagePoet · 70-79, M
not waste one minute of it with senseless mindless nonsense. I would live each minute to its fullest.
Kill myself so I wouldn't have to live knowing I was going to die for so long.
Nat15 · F
Open my eyes and see

Open my heart and feel

Open my mind and dream

Open my arms and love
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MenzernaSF4000 · 36-40, M
Breaking Bad II. 😅
Trevo · 26-30, M
I don't know.

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