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Is there any sense in being here?

I mean alive in this world? When everything you do seems wrong. No matter what it is. It's always wrong anything you say is wrong. Even when you are right you're still wrong for being right, for being you. What else can you do? I feel like digging a hole going in even deeper.
Bobcats · 36-40, M
Who's to say you could ever be right or wrong? Everything we know was made up by those before us. We are in a giant rock floating through space. We have no purpose, if our entire planet disappeared, it wouldn't matter or effect anything. I wish more people would see this and excellent to each other and just have fun.
It mostly just comes from insecure people who make themselves feel better by putting others down. I'm an adult and I still get that in my work place. It never goes away but it does get better. Just try not to blame yourself, and remember that they have the problem not you.
There's a lot about life to enjoy whether others approve of you or not

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