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On arguing, pros and cons

I love a good argument, between intelligent passionate people, but some issues get right to the sensitive parts of our being and many cannot help being irritated and burst out in anger, being angry is usually going to make your argument come off as unsound or disagreeable.

Why do we want to change people's minds? Do we actually believe we can? Is it just to feel superior by sounding more rational or whatever than the other?

I wish to explore the dynamics of all this stuff, and think out loud into typing, i am enthusiastic about this, but if anyone thinks that they should get into an unintelligent argument with me, i won't take the bait. And keep in mind that i am just learning, my mind is not made up on anything, that is to me the beauty of learning, you cannot learn with a closed mind.
Klingwood · 61-69, M
I think your last statement is why we get into discussions at least it is for me. Discussion will either strengthen my point of view or help change it. I've had people change the way I see things and I'm sure I've done the same for others. To me it can mean some real growth if done with the right people.streches ones mind which is a good thing
@Klingwood Thanks, that's a great point, we are always changing in little but significant ways.
Fertilization · 36-40, F

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