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LordShadowfire46-50, M
What in the actual seven-layer fuck? That sounds like maybe some undercover FBI agents trying to get you to admit to an attraction.

(Please don't take that the wrong way. I don't think you're remotely like that. It's just weird that they would do that.)
KiwiDan31-35, M
@LordShadowfire I did consider that. I've tried to put them off because it's the right thing to do and I don't want attention like that from people claiming to be that age. It's anxiety inducing 馃槶
Hikikomoribabe9922-25, F
@LordShadowfire yh they tryna catch a Predator, or just kids messing about, best to block, it can happen to anyone of any gender

Yeah, the best policy is if you don't know them or at least haven't seen them post and comment, then don't respond... simply block and move on.

Also, use your message filters so you don't get messages from youngsters..
KiwiDan31-35, M
@Ontheroad I've never had to do all this stuff before, so didn't really think about it.
@KiwiDan I hear you... the exact same thing had me checking out the filters.
Starcrossed41-45, F
Don't just block, if they鈥檙e lying about their age to beat the age filters report them.
LordShadowfire46-50, M
@Starcrossed Yes! This! Lying about your age is one of the big ones.
That's weird. Now you made me wonder how often does this actually happen because I somewhat thought that even if there are these users lying about their age, there's probably not that many of them here and they'd be about 14-17 maybe. I would never expect an 11 year old here. 馃槵
But when I think about it, maybe that's the reason behind some of the more childish responses in threads that I see from time to time.
NerdySoph26-30, F
Tell them to come back after about 7 years.
Sorry you had to experience that though.
KiwiDan31-35, M
@NerdySoph I spoke to one of them for a while the other night because I was feeling extremely low, made it absolutely and directly clear I was not interested, and I've not heard back since.
NerdySoph26-30, F
@KiwiDan That's great.
KiwiDan31-35, M
@NerdySoph I did block one account, and the other one was automatically blocked as well/blocked me. Oddly enough a third seemingly unrelated account was also blocked which I guess just confirms how sus the situation was
Probably trolls. No 11 year olds would be on this site.
LordShadowfire46-50, M
@SW-User I don't know, have you seen some of the shit that gets posted?
@LordShadowfire no, but I would like to see some. The younger generation is more into TikToks and instagram. Can鈥檛 imagine a kid coming to this site.
Not exactly your fault ,,as a matter of not your fault at all..c'mon shake it off
Oh geez man, that's kinda creepy.
Id feel uncomfortable too!

Id be blocking those users. You can never know if they are catfish or real, and either way it's not good.

Seeking you out personally and privately reeks of suss behaviour.
@KiwiDan you gotta protect yourself , just as we all have to protect ourselves .

13 year olds aren't what they used to be .

I'm dead serious when I say block them .
Kids this age are searching for drama and excitement ....and could do it at great emotional cost to you. Half the time they aren't even considering the real world implications of what they do .....or the personal damage they can do to others .

Get well clear of them .
KiwiDan31-35, M
@OogieBoogie I blocked the 13 year old and found I had blocked/was blocked by the 11 year old and a third seemungly random account as well. So I guess that worked out in the end.
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