pay no heed and use topicals; the same ppl who looked down on me when I had acne now have bad skin and health so forgive them and focus on yourself
sadcarrot · 26-30, F
@SW-User i dont have acne anymore i just have little scars on my face but im gonna get them removed soon once i get payed 😅 just a little pricey so i gotta earn more and keep workin on myself for myself 👍❤️

@sadcarrot good to hear; acv toner and vitamin c works pretty well on scars too
Disguised · 56-60, M
Take your scars and be proud.
Hold head high sing out loud.
Be the beauty you know you are.
Don't let them make new hidden scar.
Buried deep by words of hate.
Rise above before it's to late.
They are scared deep inside.
Behind technology they all hide.
Sending out words of trash.
Trolling souls they constantly bash.
They are the ones with all the pain.
They have so little they can gain.
I'd rather spend my time with you.
With scars clear but clearly true.
If they can't see past a scar.
They should question how they are.
Rise above and be true.
For no one is a beautiful as you.
Haven't written in ages hope it's ok...
Hold head high sing out loud.
Be the beauty you know you are.
Don't let them make new hidden scar.
Buried deep by words of hate.
Rise above before it's to late.
They are scared deep inside.
Behind technology they all hide.
Sending out words of trash.
Trolling souls they constantly bash.
They are the ones with all the pain.
They have so little they can gain.
I'd rather spend my time with you.
With scars clear but clearly true.
If they can't see past a scar.
They should question how they are.
Rise above and be true.
For no one is a beautiful as you.
Haven't written in ages hope it's ok...
SomeMichGuy · M
Sorry...ppl can be cruel.
The tiny scars don't make you ugly, but that other person's comment makes HIM or HER ugly.
The tiny scars don't make you ugly, but that other person's comment makes HIM or HER ugly.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
God is watching, karma will bite them where it hurts the most. When someone calls me that coz I am fat, I frown too
sadcarrot · 26-30, F
@Donotfolowme karma never loses an address 👍😇
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
@sadcarrot karma is F good at something I hope I have a long list I want karma to take good care of 😒
FlowersNButterflies · 61-69, FVIP
People can be such arses, can't they. Somebody who helps you feel bad about something you didn't cause and you can't change, is too ugly themselves to be worth your time.
sadcarrot · 26-30, F
@FlowersNButterflies very true indeed..
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ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
Who tf called you ugly. I will fuck them up.
sadcarrot · 26-30, F
@ScarletWitch just a troll it hurt tho they wont even show teir face they also a homophobe so figures theyre mean with me. its from fb not here
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
@sadcarrot oh damn
sadcarrot · 26-30, F
@ScarletWitch oh no its ok the person just makes up anonymous accnts spreading hate. but its all good cause i know at the end of the day i didnt harm anyone 👍❤️