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The happy days 06 (For Prithvi)

The happy days
(Entry No. 06)

Whenever I feel sad
I close my eyes and travel
Down the memory lane
Of the happy days that we had.

Think that it never happened
That’s what you said
But I paid no heed
Why? Because you’re all that I need.

Remember how you said
You’ll be forever with me
That you’ll stand by me
Moments my heart will always hid.

Remember the promises that we had?
I freed you from it
But look how my whole being scream
That I wish I didn’t.

Selfish? Selfless? What’s the difference?
In that cross road I stand
In whichever I choose to set the next journey
I’ll still end up in misery.

But I want you to know
Though I feel drowning in cold
I’ll keep my promise to you
And Prithvi, being strong equals loving you.

6 of 100, A huge thanks to Similar Worlds for the opportunity to share my deepest emotion. I hope you guys will journey with me until the end of my vow. Thank you ❤️
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Blodyn · 22-25, F
I came here to write a tribute to SW and chanced upon your poem. So moving though I know not what inspired you to write.
Blodyn · 22-25, F
@JohannaJoyLinn Johanna, I don't know you but if only we could set aside our hatred and reach out to each other. This world could be the Garden of Eden.
JohannaJoyLinn · 26-30, F
@Blodyn we strive to do so. But in giving expect the pain too, and by that hatred is formed. We are naturally good but certain situation put us to hatred.
Blodyn · 22-25, F
@JohannaJoyLinn One day soon a new Heaven and a new Earth will be created. One day God will wipe all our tears!
CardiacKintsugi · 61-69, F
sweet words, sad to think of you feeling this.
JohannaJoyLinn · 26-30, F
Thank you. @CardiacKintsugi

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