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Everything doesn't happen for a reason. Sh** just happen. Agree or Disagree?

I think sh!t just happen.
The saying, "Everything happen for a reason", is for those to believe who want to stay positive even in the worst circumstances of their life. It's a way to look towards life in +ve way when life gives you lemons, instead of saying, "Why me" and getting disappointed with life.

If you can't be positive in worst circumstances by not believing anything and just looking the life the way it is, then it is better to believe, "Everything happen for a reason" and stay positive.
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
@ABCDEF7 You can stay positive without having to believe everything happens for a reason. It just depends on how you chose to deal with the situation at hand.
@goodlil666 Everybody can't.

Similarly, as everybody can't be spiritual without having any faith. If you can be spiritual without believing in any religion, then religion is not for you. So, if you can stay positive without this belief, it's good for you. But don't question others who need the belief.
Shit does happen
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RedBaron · M
@Magichorse You mean look what happened to you.
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@shakealot] 😆maybe more a case of when shit does happen you are misfortune too be in the wrong place at the wrong time and feel the full force
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
@ABCDEF7 I am not questioning anyone's belief. But many people believe in religion without believing everything in life is preordained.
pillowman · M
Everything that happens happens because of something. That something is a reason. Whether you have knowledge of that reason or not.
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Shakealot · 26-30, F
@Justice4All You have to be joking
RedBaron · M
@Justice4All APART from what you said, it's A PART of the program.
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
No doubt " SHIT HAPPENS" but not as part of some grand plan.
RedBaron · M
Why don't you just say SHIT?
Shakealot · 26-30, F
@RedBaron 💞I thought you couldn't curse
Sometimes things happen because we choose wrong
Lostpoet · M
It's all randomness

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