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What has just happened. What's on her mind?

Yulianna · 22-25, F
so many stories in this picture, from the banal to the glorious...

do i have time for a shower, or shall i attend my art class smelling of last night's loving? will she remember what i said in the height of passion? why did i waste so many years on guys? and i must find a new coffee merchant...
@Yulianna we all get triggered sometimes. At least we made up. It's nice that we are friends now.❤️
Yulianna · 22-25, F
@Zenbra 🤗 of course
@Yulianna ❤️❤️❤️
IM5688 · 61-69, M
After a night of passion, he leaves the next morning and she is wondering whether she will ever see him again.
@IM5688 interesting
TheOneWhoEscaped · 26-30, F
Debating whether go to work or call in sick.
Just woken up, enjoying the morning view with tea.
@Zenbra Everything needn't be complicated. Let her have her sips in peace.
@Lyfis2live of course, but she seems pensive
@Zenbra She doesn't like interrogative eyes or minds, at least, Not when she has just woken up.
Babaloo64 · 41-45, M
Waiting for her love
Babaloo64 · 41-45, M
@Zenbra thanks for your kind words
@Babaloo64 Thank you for you opinion on whats on her mind
Babaloo64 · 41-45, M
@Zenbra you are welcome
sissyteddi · 61-69, T
When should I release him, it’s been 6 months of chastity for him so far
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
A harsh word spoken in haste.

Feelings of regret 😔
@SunshineGirl perhaps
Sevendays · M
This isn't the way she wanted it to end, but she needed it to end.
cloudgirl1 · 31-35, F
Beautiful illustration!
🤔. It’s not coffee 🤭
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I’m thinking she’s thinking

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