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Rotten eggplant and sewerage dumps could save mankind in our future

Bacteriophages (or just Phages - latin for devours), are virus' that eat superbugs : multi drug resistant baterium like staphylococcus, gonorrhea... tuberculosis to name a few familiar ones that are kicking modern medicines proverbial butt.

Ive never ever heard of them before as an option for critical patients, whose system is in failure due to multi superbug takeover.

And which many die from .

Yet its not new knowledge🤷‍♀️

This video (7 minutes long) explains better .[media=]

This knowledge could save someones life ....pass it on .
bookerdana · M
I saw a video on bacteriophages about ten years that time it had only been used successfully once..its good to know the fight has gone forward
AdaXI · T
@bookerdana Yeah there's a little story behind mine... I've used them since before emojis where really common on most sites and the only reason I still use them is so anyone I was on websites with like 15 years ago will recognise it's me ...

Admittedly it doesn't seem to work like nobody has actually ever said ''Wow you're Ada I knew you a decade ago on another website'' or ''me and you were buddies back in Nam!!!'' LOLZ but anyway that is the true story behind my amazing Ada faces my friend. x
bookerdana · M
@AdaXI The real skinny
AdaXI · T
@bookerdana More the Real Slim Shady but close.
AdaXI · T
I wonder what would win between a phage cocktail and a shark?🤔

Sorry I done it again, LOLZ!😆
@AdaXI Hahahaha 😂

Dayum gurl....that cracked me up 🤣
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Matt85 · 36-40, M
cool, i hope they progress.

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