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Kids want to grow up and be adults, adults want to turn back time to be a kid again.

Some or most little kids want to be adults because they have that concept of wanting to have no school and to do grown up stuff (living alone and have the fun that children aren't supposed to have, whether it's go partying or going to Dave & Busters).
Then those same kids who wanted to be adults are now adolescents; some wants to behave impulsively and hates school entirely where they'll show their asses just so they can get kicked out of school, and then some adolescents found out that school needs to be completed and bare it.
Then they become juniors and seniors (sometimes sophomores) and they saw that they can do more with their life by going to college, whether it's technical college or not.
By the time they graduate high school, they're adults. They go off to college to become what they wanted to be.

Adults wants to be kids again because they'll have to rely on their parents for shelter, and plus, free rent. Some even want to go back that far to change the things or thing they did. They don't want any responsibilities.

I recall the time where I was 12 and wanted to be an adult so badly. I don't regret what I said. Some 19 year olds who aren't living alone yet, just need that push. We are ready, all we need is that push.
There's no point in lecturing us when we will know exactly what we need to do.
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Some parents won’t even let their kids be kids, they want them to be an adult too fast so they can have a friend. Let’s kids be kids
Xalvadora · 18-21, F
@Jimthere4fun Giving these kids these smartphones is one step in making their kids being grown as hell. Todays parents are scared of their own children and don't want to discipline let alone look after them.
Growing up, I was kind of mature for my age, yet I was a slow child and didn't know much. I did know how sex work. The only thing I did when I was 12, was send nudes to grown men. At the time, I thought, 'Since men likes boobies, I should show them.' Then that made me exhausted after a few months and I had developed eczema on my breasts to the point where they oozed, bled and stuck to my bra and shirt, soaking through it. I was in agony. Couple months ago, I went back to the women's clinic and the doctor told me that he is unsure if I have eczema or not.
Going back, I knew a few things at 12, yet never expressed it in person. I mostly stayed to myself and started having lots of insecurities. I hardly had friends. I was just a helpless child. Now I'm older, needing to live alone. It'll do my mental health some good.
Dshhh · M
I rolled my eyes, 🧐 when I saw, GUmmy Vitamins for ADULTS
seriously? you cant deal with taking a pill? it has to be Candy?

then I saw
McDonalds ADULT Happy Meals...

good lord!

YOu got this on point @Xalvadora
Xalvadora · 18-21, F
@Dshhh I am willing to bet that the adult gummy vitamins are for the adults with autism or something like that.
But then, there are some pills that adults can't take, but the gummy vitamins probably have most things in common the with pill they are prescribed, so the doctor may recommend those adult gummies.

But McDonald's went too far with the adult Happy Meals, though.😂😂
I am EMBARRASSED for those grown ups that have to have their vitamins in a Gummuy
and now? Grwon up Happy meals?
Dshhh · M
Real grown-ups, I’m glad they have the freedom to live lives that are good
Xalvadora · 18-21, F
@Dshhh Agreed.
I agree with you, adults turn off their learning factor to guard against unwarrant threats
Mattypp · 56-60, M
I just want be two years old
Gloomy · F
No matter in which chapter of our lives we currently are we always hope the next one will be better.
As kids we think being a teenager will be so much cooler, being a teenager is hell so we think as soon as we start working or get an education things will be better,
then having to work a shitty job or being disappointed because our dreams didn't come true or they came true and still suck we cling to the hope that retirement will be fullfilling but it won't and we end up dying disappointed with life.
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
Dont be in a hurry to grow up or leave home etc . Its a crappy shitty world out there and believe me its no fun being grown up . Grown ups want to be kids again because they live in this crappy shitty world and realise they dont want to , it was easier as a kid not knowing and protected from the truth of the god awful world we live in .
Xalvadora · 18-21, F
@Rhode57 The thing is, I find being an adult the best option and solution to my problems. I grew up with insecurities. Even though I had some fond memories, I had always been depressed. I am already starting to lose all love that I have for my family, because none of them have made me over the top happy. Then again, had I always been happy? When I was 12, my mother fucked up my entire school life by telling the school that I was bringing a knife to school to kill my bullies. Yes, I told her that, but I never brought the knife. I changed my mind about that idea and my mom never checked me to see if I even had a knife in my bag before I got on the bus. Had to go to an alternative school afterwards and could never go back to regular school, even though I followed all the rules and behaved and stayed to myself like I always do. Freedom is all I want.
I'm not rushing to become an adult. Maybe that's because I'm already mature enough.
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
@Xalvadora Freedom is not its all cracked up to be . We are never truly free . If we were people wouldnt have to be careful of what they say or do for fear of being accused unfairly for their actions or speech .

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