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One bullet,

You find yourself in a dark room with everyone you know, everyone that you have ever been close to both the loved and the hated. There is a gun resting on a table lighted by an over the head light. You walk past the people to the table and grab the gun, it is full, and the clip has enough bullets to empty the room. You point the gun around at everyone at your mom and dad, nieces, nephews, your one childhood friend, your many childhood enemies, your sisters in whom you loved, your brothers in whom you hated, the one girl that you loved, the many that you've dated, even your pets are sitting there stoned eyed and waiting for you to notice them again. Boom, boom, boom, but you never press the trigger knowing that you had an opportunity to empty the clip on all of them you never pull the trigger until you reach yourself the one you really wish you could erase. You place the nozzle of the gun up to your head and pull the trigger. Knowing this was the right answer to the philosophical question the mathematical equation as to why there is so much suffering in your life.

One Bullet, One Bang
and Everyone else
disappears just the same
bookerdana · M
This is very well written,per usual but man thats dark. Probably me I'm a tad bummed out by the news lately
RedBaron · M
your pets are sitting there stoned eyed

Who lets pets get stoned? 🤣
Lostpoet · M
@RedBaron They breath the same air as us, don't they?
RedBaron · M
@Lostpoet Of course!
I just have technical notes if you want
paulio · M
what nonsense,
Lostpoet · M
@paulio But it has readability, right?
Lostpoet · M
@RVLPreborn That's probably a better title I might change it later. I couldn't sleep last night so I decided to write something.
NinaTina · 26-30, F
I empty the gun and ealk away
SamInAZ · 41-45, M
Bro... don't be surprised if detectives show up to your door over this post 😄.
SamInAZ · 41-45, M
@Lostpoet they'd probably want to take you in for a psych evaluation. If they do that anymore, it doesn't seem like they do when I'm out & about.😄
SamInAZ · 41-45, M
@Lostpoet well hopefully he returns it or you find it tossed somewhere you'll see it. Good luck.
Lostpoet · M
@SamInAZ They already did that. They diagnosed me as Imminent Danger. It's been five years and I haven't done anything that psych needs to get his license taken away.

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