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'Who am I?' (self-confusion)

I smile to you, with such energy.
Make a joke.
Pat your shoulder, comfort you.

I'm home. Looking at myself in mirror.
Are those feelings even true?

Next day. I'm quiet. I don't care.
I avoid them. Only cold stare.

Where did all emotions go? Thinking. Still, I wouldn't know.

Other day. I'm rude. Selfishness is to show.
Why? Don't understand.. Just let it go.

Following day. Confidence. What am I so confident about?
Either way, I feel proud.
So through city I walk around,
not paying attention on the crowd.

To home I return. Sit on the bed. Again looking at the mirror,
at eyes reminding dead.
The mind is blank, like there was nothing in my head.

Yet I think of passed days. Trying to figure out myself.

What is real? What is true? And how'd I knew?
If everything is a lie..
Then the question stays..

Who am I?
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in10RjFox · M
What is real? What us true? And how'd I knew?
If everything is a lie..
Then the question stays..

A masterpiece of realisation.. be gifted that it happened to you early in life for I was 40 when this question came up in me.
murasakineko · 18-21, F
@in10RjFox Thank you! Though maybe is like what they say:
'The less you know the better.' at least for me.
in10RjFox · M
@murasakineko but you can't choose what to know.. for it comes to you for a reason.. to trouble you or embrace you to become you until you settle with it either way.

Like hotel California.. you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave.
in10RjFox · M
Wonderful.. the only mistake you made was to stand in front of an unnatural mirror.. when you should have chosen another person to act as your mirror.
You reached up toward my head
And ran your fingers through my hair
You stared into my eyes
A moment, forever, I hoped would last
A mirror stood between us,
Reflecting your future and my past.
sree251 · 41-45, M
You know who you are. Just make sure that you are physically and financially viable till the day your body dies.

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