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I Am Confused About My Feelings

I find myself not being able to grasp reality. The reality that I have husband who takes time off of work to take care of my parents. A man that cleans and cooks for our family. He may not make enough but pulls the extra weight around the house. I make more and pay all the bills alone. He helps with food and gas expenses. But though he is a good man, I don't feel happy. He doesn't satisfy me emotionally. Our marriage is more of a business transaction. I am 34 and have been with him since I was 15. He to this day, does not know who I am. He does not know my likes and dislikes. He doesn't support my needs emotionally. I have repeatedly told him that church was a big deal to me and he throws that away and ignores my requests. When I go alone with the kids, I sit there upset because he did not go. I always end up doing family things without him, because he always has an excuse not to be apart of it. He doesn't even make an effort to participate in our family activities. Then we get into an argument when I don't feel like telling him where the kids and I are going, even if it's to church! He is in my life but not part of it. We went through a separation period because he used to physically and mentally hurt me. I finally one day called the cops and got him arrested. He went to classes to learn how to get better which he did. I stopped being in love with him since that happened. I stay with him because of the kids. Am I blind and stupid? Am I complaining over a good man or is he still not being the man I need or desire? I don't know what to think. He is a better man, but is still blind to who I am. He still ignores my needs and wants. Sometimes I think about leaving him, but then reality sets in and I remember the kids, so I let it be. Is this how life is supposed to be? I am tired, depressed, and full of anxiety. They say you should be happy with what you got, because it could be worse. Is it true?
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Wolfdancer · 56-60, F
Get out. Be happy. Life is too short and geez you're so young yet. Sometimes people outgrow one another. sometimes too much has happened for us to feel the same about them. Please dont stay because of the kids. If he's an adult enough & changed man, then you two can co-parent. No this isn't how life is suppose to be. You are the CEO of your life. You don't like it Change it. What you allow will continue. When the pain of staying becomes greater than the pain/fear of leaving you will make a decision. The fact that you have been with him since you were still a kid tells me you have never gotten the chance to be yourself. GO!! Be You and blossom!
iamnikki · 31-35, F
Wolfdancer · 56-60, F
@iamnikki Thanks
iamnikki · 31-35, F
Doesn't sound like a good man to me, especially the physical abuse part. Why did you stay so long? Kids can sense when parent(s) aren't happy so i don't think you're doing them a favor. Your story sounds like my moms, aside from the abuse part.

And my mom also calls my dad a 'good man'
MikeyFromTexas · 26-30, M
There is a question website similar to this one called quora and you might get some better results if you copy this question and ask it on there. People on quora are known to be much more willing to write out long & helpful answers on there.

I am so very sorry to hear about what is happening with your relationship. Unfortunately I have never been in a serious relationship so I cannot help you much although I wish I could.

It is good that you go to church and hold on to your faith. While this world can be a cold and depressing place, you should remember that when your time on this earth is done you will spend the rest of all time in paradise (heaven).

Perhaps couples therapy could provide some solace if your husband would agree to go. I seriously hope that life gets better for you. You clearly care a lot about your family and you deserve much better.

God be with you & good luck with your troubles.
If your kids were older... what would you tell them to do in this situation???
You would want them happy and fulfilled. You wouldn't want them to settle or stay in an unhealthy situation for the wrong reasons.

Think about that....and then do that for yourself.

🤗good luck to you🤗
This is not a simple problem, and you won't solve it with a simple answer.

One step is to ask yourself if you'd be better off without him in your life. Think that through and be brutally honest with yourself.
AndrewG · 22-25, M
If you are staying because of the kids the only one you are hurting is the kids
rfhh1959 · 61-69, M
I hear some of me here. The bargain you make with yourself. It is difficult and you may wish to engage a professional therapist. It does help
Wayne91 · 31-35, M
Your separation could affect your kids. One of you should change the course of action. It is more like a math. Every problem has a solution.... and it’s all about deriving that solution. May be finding out the root cause might help.
melmouthfulls · 51-55, F
It could be worse or it could be a whole lot better. You'll never know if you stay.

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