I love to watch them try to get to the bird food given the squirrel baffle that is protecting it. And the interplay between the squirrels and the birds, and my cats -- it is as good as a choreographed Keystone Kops comedy.
Until this time of year, when the neighbor's tree bears its mandarin oranges. Little buggers use the fence between us to get to the oranges, sit on the fence, peel the oranges, and toss the rinds into MY yard, not the neighbor's. Pest, indeed.
@Nevertooold I’ve always had a soft spot for seagulls because I grew up with them living by the Bay. But they’re truly a nuisance: they’re noisy, they’ll snatch your food and their waste is so toxic it practically burns through a car’s paint job.
@uncalled4 Considering that here, skunks, raccoons, coyotes (and in some places, mountain lions) come down from the hills, I don’t mind occasionally seeing a squirrel. And I definitely prefer it to a rat. 😳
@bijouxbroussard A few weeks ago, as I was taking out the trash I heard a bear growl outside. Dropped everything and ran inside faster than Carl Lewis.