Entwistle · 56-60, M
What if they are someone else's teeth?
MaBalzEsHari · M
Little known fact........Someone in the south invented the "tooth" brush.
Magnolia21 · 22-25, F
Nah, that's not the south. That's "Circle K past 1 am"
Puppybog123 · 16-17
TxOutlawTyler · M
@Puppybog123 Heyy
southerngent · M
Thay whath?
But are you from the south or making fun of the south?
But are you from the south or making fun of the south?
Morrowind · 26-30, M
I have all my teeth but I am from the country… not Deep South though
Freeranger · M
Can't wait for the follow-up reasoning on this one. For the record, soldiers during the Civil War were required to have at least that amount, so they could tear a paper cartridge to pour down the barrel.
Azlotto · M
I have all my teeth in my mouth and I'm from Kentuuky, y'all.
empanadas · 31-35, M
Have you been to the south? It's more like two teeth on the top row
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M