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Carnivore diet

Anyone tried the carnivore diet with any success? Or did you find it too restrictive? Thoughts, pros and cons.
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SatanBurger · 36-40, F
There's a woman who been doing carnivore for 13 years, also a family for 14 years only steak and a few others, there's a few who had severe skin issues to the point of being in the hospital that got way better on the carnivore diet. Along with a few carnivore doctors out there.


This girl had major skin problems and went carnivore to heal her skin:



As for my thoughts, I think that some of these people have unknown autoimmune conditions and when they simply cut out everything, I think it just helped them because a lot of these people seem to have the same autoimmune conditions in the skin especially.

I've been doing a semi keto/semi carnivore diet and I think it's really great, my satiated levels are through the roof. I kind of do half and half, that way I can have a higher meat diet but with a few favorite fruits in.

So as for the pros of even a modified carnivore diet, you feel full for longer.

Cons I would say electrolyte imbalances due to no carbs but that can be easily replaced with a supplement providing potassium doesn't interfere with any meds you're taking, I'd check. Since doing my diet here, I take Dr. Berg's electrolyte supplement and it's pretty good, it has 1000 mg potassium in there so I take two servings a day cos we need 4,800mg total daily.

It's not really a big con but you can easily have imbalances because carbs hold onto electrolytes but again, it's nothing major because it's a simple fix. I do regular table salt (just a teaspoon) and the electrolyte powder. Haven't felt anything bad yet.
@SatanBurger I got a lot of good stuff from the lady in that first video
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Quoththeraven There's a lot of good stuff out there in the carnivore community, people healed their skin issues and stuff on it.
It seems to be too extreme. Maybe try the keto diet instead if you haven't yet bc it focuses on meats & protein sources but at least allows for most veggies & few selective fruits.
greenmountaingal · 80-89, F
ALL diets are too restrictive. They are very hard to deal with in any good restaurant and pretty much impossible to deal with at social dinners where your host (hostess) is the cook. When faced with a choice between sticking to a diet and getting along well in one's social life, people are inclined to choose a good social life.
Ynotisay · M
What I might do is to look at the scientific evidence that this is beneficial. You won't find much of that in any realistic sense. What you'll find is people making money through promoting it.
Mbingh01 · 61-69, F
@Ynotisay I’m not sure how people could make money from saying to just eat meat. I mean I could understand if they were selling a product, but in this case they are only saying to eat meat and eggs etc.,
Ynotisay · M
@Mbingh01 Well, it's the "saying" part that can get a little tricky. The money comes from books, tapes, an online presence and public appearances. There's real money in fad diets. Some have of validity. Some don't. And some can actually be dangerous. Just have to be smart about it.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
I' m an omnivore but I have heard that certain people thrive on a carnivore diet. I am not into faddy diets so I have never tried it. I heard that Jordan Peterson the Canadian psychologist only eats meat now. He was sold on the diet by his daughter who was having medical issues.
Magnolia21 · 22-25, F
Best diet advice I ever got was, "you need a balance of brown food and green food." Easy to follow, and you'll know if you're doing it wrong because you'll start craving something.
I’m doing carnivore. Haven’t had a carbohydrate in ten months. I feel indestructible. I can tell you everything you need to know. Pm me
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Quoththeraven I'm not fully carnivore but I'm keto and my first meal of the day is carnivore with my other meal being high animal based, I can tell you that I feel better 100%. I'm lactose intolerant and found I can tolerate dairy if I don't eat a ton of fiber, isn't that weird?
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
Nah, I like eating veggies fresh, and not half digested from the stomach contents of my prey as true obligate carnivores do 🤷‍♂️
I started losing weight when I started eating less meat.
Doomflower · 41-45, M
Humans need fiber and nutrients not found in meat.
acpguy · C
We eat meat all the time along with fish and poultry. Much of the meat is also from the wild like pheasant, duck, partridge, fish and deer. .................So I guess we are on a carnivore diet.
pdockal · 56-60, M
No diet works
You need to change your lifestyle
Move more then you intake and you'll lose
fuzzyduck101 · 46-50, M
I do the 16 - 8 fasting diet have lost 5lbs in the last 2 weeks
Mbingh01 · 61-69, F
@fuzzyduck101 I’m trying fasting, but it’s not doing a whole lot for me.
Sweetpoison · 41-45, F
Doesn’t sound healthy

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