Orangutan Prostitute! - Tales From the Internet
Sorry but the brothel owner and the whole village should be put to death in a very slow way. I wish there was the death penalty for traffickers, as in death by impaling. Long story short, this orangutan was kidnapped from their parents, chained up and then taught tricks for "customers" in other words prostitution which made the village rich because apparently, a lot of people paid extra to fvck a monkey. Apparently they were so serious about this monkey that they chased rescuers off with poisoned knives for nearly a year. The orangutan was chained up on a dirty couch and forced to perform sex acts.
Eventually, the monkey was rescued but deemed unfit as they didn't know how to live in the wild after being taken from its parents for so long. Now lives great in facilities, with kind people who rescued her.
Eventually, the monkey was rescued but deemed unfit as they didn't know how to live in the wild after being taken from its parents for so long. Now lives great in facilities, with kind people who rescued her.