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I would just let it go . Give space . If you still feel the need to apologize to them make sure its for you and not for them . It's for your own peace of mind .
@SW-User 💯
@SW-User my other thought was depends on who you are talking to depends on if we are talking about someone who is capable of rationale thought ,compassion, forgiveness or are you talking to someone who isn't capable of this really depends on the person ....I'm over thinking again
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
Wait. Gather your thoughts. Let them cool off. And approach with caution.
The apology is for your well being first.
The apology is for your well being first.
I am unable to provide advice because you never mentioned the situation
@Souls I felt it best not to go into great detail
SweetMae · 70-79, F
You did care enough to apologize. They may feel differently once they have some time to reconsider.
Give it some space, would be my suggestion.
TheLordOfHell · 41-45
Ah let them cool down first. Then apologize. If it was your fault. If not, don't worry about it.
caccoon · 36-40
I'd leave it alone for now to give your time for more perspective 💙
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