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One of the reasons could be so that they avoid looking at themselves. If they're pointing fingers at someone else they don't need to face themselves. If they're doing it in a mean way, they also feel in control.
sensualbeauty1 · F
@SW-User Exactly, thanks for sharing your perspective and thoughts, appreciated.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
I'd have to get context if you're referring to something personal but I would say just off hand, all things in society come from a subconscious and conscious place. There are people who want people to fail because they feel bad about themselves, this translates into everything even by the way they vote, how they conduct their relationships, culture everything. If you don't value yourself, you don't value anything else either so naturally they'll want to bring you down to their level. They try as hard as they can to get you to act badly because that's how they feel about themselves.
People who can't control themselves very well, will try to control you. I kind of remember that when I know that there's a specific situation where I know I'm in the right. I'm not right 100% of the time but there's been a few situations where you just know you're in the right and they want to grind you down until you're nothing.
People who can't control themselves very well, will try to control you. I kind of remember that when I know that there's a specific situation where I know I'm in the right. I'm not right 100% of the time but there's been a few situations where you just know you're in the right and they want to grind you down until you're nothing.
sensualbeauty1 · F
@SatanBurger That's so true and when you disagree or try and get your point across, it's invalid or of no consequence to that sort of mentality.
antonioioio · 70-79, M
I should not have missed this post my friend
The only reason a person will bring you down is
They are trying to control you by brainwashing you into thinking that you are useless that you can't think for yourself, do things for your self making think they are the only ones and they need to be told where to get off ❤️
The only reason a person will bring you down is
They are trying to control you by brainwashing you into thinking that you are useless that you can't think for yourself, do things for your self making think they are the only ones and they need to be told where to get off ❤️
sensualbeauty1 · F
@antonioioio Thank you for your insight my friend, appreciated.
Jersos · 26-30, M
You know, I myself feel the same. I'm a very sensitive person. I love animals and birds. I love nature. I love to live away from the hustle and bustle of the city in a desolate place.
The reason? People. I don't understand how dumb people can be. Some people enjoy spreading negativity out of frustration. Some people commit crimes and some harass others. It's a vicious cycle.
And they would hardly ever understand.
Hence, it's necessary that we try to cut off these people from our lives as much as possible. If we have to face them, just feel pity for their inability to look at the bright side...and that how vulnerable and frustrated they are.
Ultimately it's all upto you. You decide whether you want to get affected by their behavior, or not.
Wishing you an amazing life, dear stranger. Would love to talk more about it someday.
The reason? People. I don't understand how dumb people can be. Some people enjoy spreading negativity out of frustration. Some people commit crimes and some harass others. It's a vicious cycle.
And they would hardly ever understand.
Hence, it's necessary that we try to cut off these people from our lives as much as possible. If we have to face them, just feel pity for their inability to look at the bright side...and that how vulnerable and frustrated they are.
Ultimately it's all upto you. You decide whether you want to get affected by their behavior, or not.
Wishing you an amazing life, dear stranger. Would love to talk more about it someday.
sensualbeauty1 · F
@Jersos Beautifully written and so very true. Honestly if we could surround ourselves with positivity in this very negative world or use some of our optimism, it makes you wonder if it would make a difference. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, appreciated.
likesnatural · 70-79, M
You only talk about positive and good things on here. That makes you a Star amid some less fortunate. Thank you.
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sensualbeauty1 · F
@SatanBurger Exactly, I believe that if we just close our eyes for a few moments and focus on the positive energy surrounding us we'll make it through OK. We're all wired differently so as they say, different strokes for different folks.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@sensualbeauty1 Pretty much, it also affects you not just in your mind but also your physical body too. Chronic stress leads to your nervous system being dysregulated which has a whole host of physical ailments so it affects you not just mentally but physically too. It's important that when people aren't on your level, you're not afraid to just say no or not be around that negative stuff. It takes a lot to walk away when they consistently entice you with whatever to get you back to them.
sensualbeauty1 · F
@SatanBurger You know thats a great answer and so true, if one can walk away from someone's constant negativity or consistently trying to bring you down to their level.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Probably because they need to bring others down to make up for their own failures/inadequacies? Or maybe they're just sadistic.
sensualbeauty1 · F
@ChipmunkErnie It could be anyone of those things, gotta wonder about those individuals who have to take their own issues out on others though.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Sadly those with low self esteem have a tendency to not raise themselves up, but rather drag everyone else down to their level.
sensualbeauty1 · F
@Quimliqer I believe that or a narcissistic personality who would never take the blame for their own mistakes because its incomprehensible to even contemplate.
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
I think it’s comfort food for those with low self esteem. It’s sad. Next time someone tries it in you (here) respond (if at all) with something positive about them.
sensualbeauty1 · F
@DownTheStreet Thank you, most of the time I don't bother responding to the negativity, especially if someone is very nasty and rude. I used the smile strategy on some of my former colleagues when they were in a mood. I think they were taken aback by that approach. LOL
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
@sensualbeauty1 the best response is living well
Cantsayno · 56-60, M
It’s their own low self esteem. They think if they make others look bad. It will make them feel better about themselves.
It’s really kind of sad.
It’s really kind of sad.
sensualbeauty1 · F
@Cantsayno Yes l know, you've gotta feel badly for certain people that lash out at others because of their own insecurities.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
It’s seems to be because of their own insecurities and failings. They can’t lift themselves up so they resort to putting others down
sensualbeauty1 · F
@GJOFJ3 Rather sad when you stop and think about it. It's hard to fathom at times. I always remember my Mama saying some people just need to lash out in order to make themselves feel better.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Beats me, I can't begin to understand what pleasure that brings anyone 😟
sensualbeauty1 · F
@SunshineGirl I agree, makes you wonder why anyone enjoys being like that or trying to start an argument. 😏
Low self esteem and deeply rooted insecurities
sensualbeauty1 · F
@SW-User Thank you for sharing your thoughts, l concur.
Many trolls will try, for sure.
sensualbeauty1 · F
@YourMomsSecretCrush I concur, they definitely will indeed.
nevergiveup · M
I try not to let them get to me.
sensualbeauty1 · F
@nevergiveup That's always sound advice
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Misery loves company. They want to drag everyone down and make them feel as bad as they do.
sensualbeauty1 · F
@sensualbeauty1 Sorry to hear about your rainy weather, it's been a weird June weather wise. The last 2 days have been beautiful and very hot. I'll try and send some of this hot steamy weather your way. I'm heading in for a swim in a few minutes. Thank you, fingers crossed that the sun comes out for you. 🤗😎
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@sensualbeauty1 thank you 💞. Enjoy your swim.
sensualbeauty1 · F
@iamonfire696 You're very welcome, thanks my friend, appreciated. I will, love the water. 🥰
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sensualbeauty1 · F
@ChemDawg Morning my friend, unfortunately it happens IRL and online. It's a lil difficult to forget at times, but moving forward and resuming normalcy is the best thing to do.