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Monkey pox and meat!

Talk about propaganda, news should really stay out of personal opinions. It's your personal opinion that meat is unhealthy, not a fact.

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SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
For example, the same quantity of eggs would provide 94 units of estrogenic activity and a 3 oz. serving of tofu would provide 19,306,004 units of estrogenic activity. In fact, a normal adult male produces 136,000 ng of estrogen per day while a non-pregnant woman produces 513,000 ng/day on average, making consumption of the levels of estrogen in implanted beef relatively inconsequential


Bodybuilders don't have shorter life expectancy because of meat, it's because of performance enhancing drugs and over stressing muscles for competitions. A point here, not all bodybuilders take drugs or are super large. I know a female bodybuilder who is 70 and could out exercise you any day.

You're trying to say meat is unhealthy but the reasons you listed are all because of other reasons.

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SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@SW-User I didn't insult you but you're getting aggressive because you lost this conversation. Food isn't religion get over yourself. This is my last response to you.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
I'm personally vegetarian, but most of my friends and family aren't. It's perfectly possible to be vegetarian and unhealthy or a meat eater and healthy and vice versa. What's more important is whole foods and getting the right amount of macros.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@basilfawlty89 Well "some" blogs are now trying to say that monkeypox comes from meat when it started originally at two nightclubs, clearly not because of meat. I don't want to push a certain narrative that it's an STD because even the experts are saying that it's not but for some reason it's spreading mostly through sexual contact and I've heard that's how it started in the first place.

And we have these idiots saying that monkeypox is coming from meat and to stay away from it which is propaganda. Some vegan thought that leveraging on a disease and using it for their own agenda was a good idea for sure.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I like that guy. Only thing is, he has a problem with people making the connection between beef and global warming. Which is a real connection.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@LordShadowfire Oh yeah I'd have to hear him out because I haven't seen those videos but from what I know in the carnivore community is that many make the case that regenerative agriculture and regenerative animal farming is way better whereas the solutions put fourth is simply to not eat beef or eat less of it. Which I also don't buy.

But I wouldn't straight out deny it, though my mindset is that most over consume which leads to excess issues.

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