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I'm not doing well

I'm hanging by a thread, feeling useless because I can't fix or even help with all of the trouble my wife is having at home. Her mother is sick and can't be left alone but she treats everyone like shit. She feels the need to condemn EVERYTHING that anyone tries to do for her. She has been harping on my wife to lose weight for years, my wife was trying, she hired a medical weight loss clinic to help her and she was doing well but her mother sabotaged that because "those stupid people don't know what they are talking about". She wants my wife to get rid of our dog because "that dog takes up too much of your time" she thinks every single waking minute should be spent taking care of her. She is NOT a total invalid. Then throw in on top of it that MY mother is in the hospital, she is getting discharged tomorrow, she uses a wheelchair and needs a ride home and my wifes mother says she should find her own way home??? Meanwhile I'm stuck out here at work (truck driver) and I can't do a damn thing to help! My wife deserves a better man who can actually be around to help her with things. She doesn't deserve an idiot who could never keep a job that was more technical than holding onto a steering wheel! Suicide clauses suck!
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Punches · 46-50, F
There has got to be some kind of GOVT help that would make it possible to dump her in a nursing home.
I mean you and your wife are not legally responsible for the old bat.

I would not know what advice to give about what programs are out there but there has GOT to be something. I mean most people cannot afford a nursing home.
Bruh I find it a challenge to have the blue collar skills to do things like trucking. It takes a tough guy to do that.

You're doing what you can. Don't reap the guilt that your mother-in-law sews.
Talk to that mother abt few essentials of motherhood to straighten things for all. Let your wife know that she has not committed blunder marrying you.
@sspec Honestly I would love to but it would probably kill her because she has breathing issues and then of course my wife would blame me for her dying...this is a no win situation.
@istillhaveanameitsrick Firmly doesn't mean aloud or harsh. It means let her know how her daughter is suffering due to her behaviour.

Alls' possible.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
Put your mother in law in a nursing home. She sounds like a wicked witch
@Jenny1234 I can't afford to pay for it and her insurance won't cover it...wife and I already discussed that idea
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Lilnonames · F
Hope things get better for u ill say a Lil prayer🙏

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