SledgeHammer · 46-50, M
That thought would definitely not count in my favor....
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SledgeHammer · 46-50, M
@SW-User but it's not my birthday! (Gulp)

@SledgeHammer you're about to be born again
SledgeHammer · 46-50, M
@SW-User that would make it a third time

I just use the thought to put out the energy.
Small places no bueno.
Small places no bueno.
Bratt · F
@SW-User A beacon of hope you are as the Universe knows no boundaries. 🙂

@Bratt Hope would be good. X
texasdaddydom · 56-60, M
thought police scary concept "minority report""1984" "451" all many others cover this in various ways. and most definitely locked up.
Bratt · F
@texasdaddydom Let us not forget Ironically, Cheap Trick.....for whistle blowing the Dream Police. 😎
HotMessExpress102 · 41-45, F
My thoughts would remain out of jail, but my mouth.... that thing should be locked up and the key thrown away!
Bratt · F
@HotMessExpress102 Same same... Gotta buncha' checks my mouth wrote that my ass couldn't cash. 🤷♀️
*pulls the mental shutters* lol
Bratt · F
@JustGoneNow My heart peeps your blinds quite often 😎
@Bratt I know. 🖤😘💋
PrivateHell · M
Many many times. My mind is a very dark place. Not for the faint of heart.
Bratt · F
@PrivateHell Embrace it.... Then plead the 5th. 😎

@Bratt plead the 5150
Raven5168 · 41-45, M
Good thing that they can't lock you up for thoughts. And it you can get then to swing first you are great
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Yes with no chance of parole. 🤭
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
for more than one sentence
Bratt · F
@vetguy1991 Dude... I've got chapters of evidence against me 😎
Multiple life sentences
Bratt · F
@Callmewhatyouwill I'd text you on Jailmail 😎
DisturbOne · 41-45, M
Bratt · F
@DisturbOne 😎
DisturbOne · 41-45, M
@Bratt bad enough my demon Are serving two life terms right now
Rambler · 61-69, M
OnePatheticClown · 51-55, M
Jail? Nah. More likely in a madhouse...
TiffAching · 31-35, F
I got told that plenty growing up. “Adultery in the heart” and other garbage. Thoughts ≠ actions.
TiffAching · 31-35, F
@JustGoneNow The one Apostle I really like is Thomas. He's the only one who said, "Hang on, wait a minute" and then considered the evidence he was presented with. I also think Judas gets an unfairly bad rap. Then again, a lot of my thoughts on Christian theology are informed by Small Gods and Lamb.
@TiffAching Conversion on the road to Damascus, doesn’t mean that he knew anything. Judas loved Jesus. Many things are more complicated than they seem. Thomas also was a friend. He doubted... but understood at the end. Doubt doesn’t make one weak, it makes you stronger... once your truly understand.
@TiffAching Be well. ☮️
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
A women prison.Sure!lol
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Yeeeeah it probably would be pretty bad if I actually could smite my enemies with a nose twitch like in bewitched.
Bratt · F
@Starcrossed May I simply take a moment to applaud your use of both " smite" and the "Bewitched" reference in the same reply. * Bows down*
summersong · F
In jail or dead 😆
texasdaddydom · 56-60, M
@summersong sweet little ole you?
Bratt · F
@summersong Options I too have faced. 😎
Celt50 · 51-55, M
I dont know but would've definitely been smacked in the face a few times
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tenente · 100+, M
thinking is so pre-trump 🤔
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Bratt · F
@Darksideinthenight2 Utilizing the term " That's how I roll" in my neighborhood, could aid in your fate , sir. But your drift has been caught 😎
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